令人惊讶的CLR / JIT?行为 - 一个局部变量的初始化推迟惊讶、初始化、变量、局部

由网友(佪亿の唦漏)分享简介:我刚刚遇到了一些非常奇怪的运行调试模式( VS 2008例preSS的应用程序 , CPU的任何)。我想AP preciate,如果有人告诉我,到这里发生了什么?I have just encountered something quite bizarre running an app in Debug mode (...

我刚刚遇到了一些非常奇怪的运行调试模式( VS 2008例preSS的应用程序 CPU的任何)。我想AP preciate,如果有人告诉我,到这里发生了什么?

I have just encountered something quite bizarre running an app in Debug mode (VS 2008 Express, Any Cpu). I would appreciate if someone enlightened me as to what is happening here?

// PredefinedSizeGroupMappings is null here
Dictionary<string, int> groupIDs = PredefinedSizeGroupMappings ?? new Dictionary<string, int>();

// so groupIDs is now initialized as an empty Dictionary<string, int>, as expected

// now: PredefinedSizesMappings is null here - therefore I expect sizeIds
// to be initialized as an empty dictionary:
Dictionary<string, string> sizeIds = PredefinedSizesMappings ?? new Dictionary<string, string>(); 

// but at this point sizeIds is still null! :O That's what debugger shows.
var groupsReport = new AutomappingReportArgs();

// only once we get here - it's suddenly not... The debugger shows: "Count = 0"
var sizesReport = new AutomappingReportArgs();

AutomappingReportArgs 类有到 sizeIds 变量没有任何联系,虽然它的构造的确alocate一些字典

The AutomappingReportArgs class has no connection whatsoever to the sizeIds variable, although its constructor does alocate a number of dictionaries:

public AutomappingReportArgs()
    ChangedNames = new Dictionary<string, KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
    CreatedAfterRename = new Dictionary<string, string>();            
    Existing = new Dictionary<string, string>();
    Created = new Dictionary<string, string>();
    Failed = new Dictionary<string, string>();


I guess it must be some sort of compiler or CLR optimization, but I would like to know the mechanism of it in more detail. What is the reason for this "deferred initialization"?

和它为什么不一致的,为什么它马上工作了词典&LT;字符串,INT&GT; ,而不是词典&LT;字符串,字符串&GT ; ?难道是因为编译器看不到任何词典&LT;字符串,INT&GT; 初始化未来,所以不能把它放在一边供以后

And why is it inconsistent, why does it work straight away for Dictionary<string, int>, but not for Dictionary<string, string>? Is it because the compiler can't see any Dictionary<string, int> initialization ahead, so it can't put it aside for later?


这是当你调试优化code pretty的标准行为。不太可能在这里是这样的。很可能是在调试器的一个错误来代替。有一个重要的职位SP1修补程序VS2008是固定的一些调试问题。

This is pretty standard behavior when you debug optimized code. Unlikely to be the case here. Likely to be a bug in the debugger instead. There was an important post SP1 hotfix for VS2008 that fixed a number of debugger problems.


You'll find the link to the hotfix in this answer. Not so sure how applicable the hotfix is to the Express Edition, you should be okay but I can't guarantee it.


