
由网友(轻拂两袖风尘)分享简介:我需要加载从资产的图像,以避免升级Froyo 2.2.2错误调整POT图像在某些特殊情况下。的方式,以避免它是从资产目录加载的图像文件。i need to load a image from assets to avoid a froyo 2.2.2 bug resizing POT images in some p...

我需要加载从资产的图像,以避免升级Froyo 2.2.2错误调整POT图像在某些特殊情况下。的方式,以避免它是从资产目录加载的图像文件。

i need to load a image from assets to avoid a froyo 2.2.2 bug resizing POT images in some particular cases. The way to avoid it is loading the image files from assets dir.


        String imagePath = "radiocd5.png";
    AssetManager mngr = context.getAssets();
    // Create an input stream to read from the asset folder
    InputStream is=null;
    try {
        is = mngr.open(imagePath);
    } catch (IOException e1) {  e1.printStackTrace();}

    //Get the texture from the Android resource directory
    //InputStream is = context.getResources().openRawResource(R.drawable.radiocd5);
    Bitmap bitmap = null;
    try {
        //BitmapFactory is an Android graphics utility for images
        bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);

    } finally {
        //Always clear and close
        try {
            is = null;
        } catch (IOException e) {

但我得到的NullPointerException就行了 is.close();


i capture a FileNotFoundException: radiocd5.png, but that file is on my assets directory :S

我在做什么不好?该文件称为 radiocd5.png ,它是在资产目录

What am i doing bad? The file is called radiocd5.png and it is on the assets directory


您可以按照我的教程从资产中显示的数据:的 HTTPS://xjaphx.word$p$pss.com/2011/10/02/store-and-use-files-在-资产/ 与装载图片和文字的样品显示。

You can follow my tutorials on displaying data from Assets: https://p.xsw88.cn/allimgs/daicuo/20230907/5009.png.jpg"); // load image as Drawable Drawable d = Drawable.createFromStream(ims, null); // set image to ImageView mImage.setImageDrawable(d); } catch(IOException ex) { return; }


