是的LINQ到SQL动态何处条款甚至有可能在Framework 3.5?有可能、是的、条款、动态

由网友(迢迢星万里)分享简介:更新:现在工作 我能够最终得到它完成。一个工作 - 例如,详见下面的答案(我将能够标记过2天)。下面的一切这里曾是原题 部分在过去的3天,我一直在尝试在的 DBML的DataContext 使用code样品questions在此处发布 和 其它来源 以及.. 没有工作过的!由于以下原因,我开始怀疑,如果框架3...

更新:现在工作 我能够最终得到它完成。一个工作 - 例如,详见下面的答案(我将能够标记过2天)。



在过去的3天,我一直在尝试在的 DBML的DataContext 使用code样品questions在此处发布 和 其它来源 以及.. 没有工作过的!


predicate生成器 注意事项框架4.0在其网站上。 一些answers这里 谈论的equivolent 调用在4.0版本(所以我的部分的希望在这里)。 ...我可以继续下去,但你的想法。


原始版本有SOME成功但只有当: 唯一一次我有一个端倪成功的数据来自式(所有6178行的话),但没有 WHERE子句施。这是证明了的没有的任何 WHERE子句施入 SQL 发现的 dataContext.GetCommand(查询).CommandText

其他版本#1失败: 而产生这个错误:方法'System.Object的DynamicInvoke(System.Object的[])没有支持转换为SQL

    公共静态防爆pression< Func键< T,布尔>>真正的< T>(){返回F =>真正; }
    公共静态防爆pression< Func键< T,布尔>>假< T>(){返回F =>假; }

    公共静态防爆pression< Func键< T,布尔>>或LT; T>(此例pression< Func键< T,布尔>>表达式1,防爆pression< Func键< T,布尔>>表达式2)
        VAR invokedExpr =前pression.Invoke(表达式2,expr1.Parameters.Cast<防爆pression>());
        返回前pression.Lambda< Func键< T,布尔>>(出pression.OrElse(expr1.Body,invokedExpr),expr1.Parameters);
    公共静态防爆pression< Func键< T,布尔>>和< T>(此例pression< Func键< T,布尔>>表达式1,防爆pression< Func键< T,布尔>>表达式2)
        VAR invokedExpr =前pression.Invoke(表达式2,expr1.Parameters.Cast<防爆pression>());
        返回前pression.Lambda< Func键< T,布尔>>(出pression.AndAlso(expr1.Body,invokedExpr),expr1.Parameters);
    公共静态防爆pression< Func键< T,布尔>>弦乐器< T>(出pression< Func键< T,字符串>>选择器,字符串模式)
        VAR predicate = predicateBuilder.True< T>();
        VAR部分= pattern.Split('%');
        如果(parts.Length == 1)//不是'%'的标志
            predicate = predicate.And(S => selector.Compile()(多个)==图案);
            的for(int i = 0; I< parts.Length;我++)
                串P =零件[I]
                    如果(我== 0)
                        predicate = predicate.And(S => selector.Compile()(多个).StartsWith(对));
                    否则,如果(我== parts.Length  -  1)
                        predicate = predicate.And(S => selector.Compile()(多个).EndsWith(对));
                        predicate = predicate.And(S => selector.Compile()(多个)。载(对));
公开名单< QuickFindResult> QueryDocuments(字符串searchText,串customerSiteId,列表和LT; INT> filterIds)
    VAR那里= predicateBuilder.True< vw_QuickFindResult>();

        串状= productName.Replace('','%')
                                 。更换('*', '%');

        其中,= predicateBuilder.StringLike< vw_QuickFindResult>(X => x.DocumentName,等等);

    VAR的结果= DocumentCollectionService.ListQuickFind(其中,NULL);


公共静态列表< vw_QuickFindResult> ListQuickFind(前pression< Func键< vw_QuickFindResult,布尔>>其中,前pression< Func键< vw_QuickFindResult,布尔>>的OrderBy)
    VAR的connectionString = GetConnectionString(ES_DOCUMENTS_CONNECTION_NAME);
    名单< vw_QuickFindResult>结果= NULL;

        使用(VAR的DataContext =新ES_DocumentsDataContext(的connectionString))
            IQueryable的< vw_QuickFindResult>查询= dataContext.vw_QuickFindResults;
            查询= query.Where(其中);

            结果= query.ToList();


其他版本#2失败: 而产生这个错误:方法布尔赞(System.String,System.String)不能在客户端上使用;它仅用于转换为SQL

公开名单< QuickFindResult> QueryDocuments(字符串searchText,串customerSiteId,列表和LT; INT> filterIds)
    FUNC< vw_QuickFindResult,布尔>其中,= NULL;
    FUNC<字符串函数功能:LT; vw_QuickFindResult,布尔>> buildKeyword predicate =样=> X => SqlMethods.Like(x.DocumentName,等等);
    FUNC< Func键< vw_QuickFindResult,布尔>中Func键< vw_QuickFindResult,布尔>中Func键< vw_QuickFindResult,布尔>> buildOr predicate =(preD1,preD2)=> X => preD1(X)|| preD2(X);

        串状= productName.Replace('','%')
                                 。更换('*', '%');

        其中,=(其中== NULL)? buildKeyword predicate(像):buildOr predicate(其中,buildKeyword predicate(像));

    VAR的结果= DocumentCollectionService.ListQuickFind(其中,NULL);


公共静态列表< vw_QuickFindResult> ListQuickFind(前pression< Func键< vw_QuickFindResult,布尔>>其中,前pression< Func键< vw_QuickFindResult,布尔>>的OrderBy)
    VAR的connectionString = GetConnectionString(ES_DOCUMENTS_CONNECTION_NAME);
    名单< vw_QuickFindResult>结果= NULL;

        使用(VAR的DataContext =新ES_DocumentsDataContext(的connectionString))
            变种查询= dataContext.vw_QuickFindResults.AsEnumerable();
            查询= query.Where(其中);

            结果= query.ToList();

LINQ to SQL LINQ2SQL vs. ADO.NET Entity Framework weixin 30799995的博客 CSDN博客


这是正确的ASWER 这里是工作版本对于那些谁需要它。这个问题是一个事物的组合。其中第一项是以下行设置为

变种,其中= predicateBuilder.True< vw_QuickFindResult>();

这应该是 ...

变种,其中= predicateBuilder.False< vw_QuickFindResult>();


    公共静态防爆pression< Func键< T,布尔>>真正的< T>(){返回F =>真正; }
    公共静态防爆pression< Func键< T,布尔>>假< T>(){返回F =>假; }

    公共静态防爆pression< Func键< T,布尔>>或LT; T>(此例pression< Func键< T,布尔>>表达式1,防爆pression< Func键< T,布尔>>表达式2)
        VAR invokedExpr =前pression.Invoke(表达式2,expr1.Parameters.Cast<防爆pression>());
        返回前pression.Lambda< Func键< T,布尔>>(出pression.OrElse(expr1.Body,invokedExpr),expr1.Parameters);
    公共静态防爆pression< Func键< T,布尔>>和< T>(此例pression< Func键< T,布尔>>表达式1,防爆pression< Func键< T,布尔>>表达式2)
        VAR invokedExpr =前pression.Invoke(表达式2,expr1.Parameters.Cast<防爆pression>());
        返回前pression.Lambda< Func键< T,布尔>>(出pression.AndAlso(expr1.Body,invokedExpr),expr1.Parameters);
公开名单< QuickFindResult> QueryDocuments(字符串searchText,串customerSiteId,列表和LT; INT> filterIds)
    VAR通配符=新的String [] {*,};
    VAR那里= predicateBuilder.False< vw_QuickFindResult>();
    VAR搜索=新的名单,其中,字符串>(searchText.Split('')); // TODO:<  - 如果需要更复杂的搜索,我们将不得不使用RegularEx pressions

    //搜索文本 -  WHERE子句
        布尔hasWildCards =(productName.IndexOfAny(新的char [] {'','*'})!= -1);
            的Int32长度= productName.Length;
                串像= productName.Replace(%,)
                                         。更换(*, );

                串第一= productName.Substring(0,1);
                字符串最后= productName.Substring(长度 -  1);

                如果(wildCards.Contains(第一)及和放大器; wildCards.Contains(最​​后一个))
                    其中,= where.Or(P => p.DocumentName.Contains(像)||

                    其中,= where.Or(P => p.DocumentName.EndsWith(像)||

                // StartsWith
                    其中,= where.Or(P => p.DocumentName.StartsWith(像)||

                    其中,= where.Or(P => p.DocumentName.Contains(像)||
                其中,= where.Or(P => p.DocumentName.Contains(产品名称)||
            其中,= where.Or(P => p.DocumentName.Contains(产品名称)||

    //过滤ID  -  WHERE子句
    变种滤波器= GetAllFilters()其中(x => filterIds.Contains(x.Id))。了ToList()。
            其中,= where.And(X => x.FilterName == filter.Name);

    VAR数据源= DocumentCollectionService.ListQuickFind(其中);


公共静态列表< vw_QuickFindResult> ListQuickFind(前pression< Func键< vw_QuickFindResult,布尔>>凡)
    VAR的connectionString = GetConnectionString(ES_DOCUMENTS_CONNECTION_NAME);
    名单< vw_QuickFindResult>结果= NULL;

        使用(VAR的DataContext =新ES_DocumentsDataContext(的connectionString))
            VAR的查询= dataContext.vw_QuickFindResults.Where(在哪里).OrderBy(X => x.DocumentName).OrderBy(X => x.DocumentTitle);
            结果= query.ToList();


UPDATE: It Is Now Working I was able to finally get it completed. A working-example is detailed in an answer below (which I will be able to mark-off in 2 days).

Everything Below Here Was Part of the Original Question

For the last 3 days, I have been trying to build a dynamic-where-clause on a DBML DataContext using code samples from questions posted here and from other sources as well...none have worked!

For the reasons below, I am beginning to wonder if this is even POSSIBLE using under Framework 3.5:

Predicate Builder notes Framework 4.0 on their site. Some answers here talk about an equivolent Invoke versions in 4.0 (so I have some hope here). ...I could go on but you get the idea.

I am really at a loss and seem to be "grabbing at strings"...and I need some sound advice on how to approach this.

Original Version Had SOME Success But Only When: The ONLY time I had a 'inkling' of success the data came-up (all 6178 rows of it) but no WHERE CLAUSE was applied. This was evidenced by the lack of any WHERE CLAUSE applied into the SQL found in the dataContext.GetCommand(query).CommandText.

Other Version #1 Fails: And generates this error: "Method 'System.Object DynamicInvoke(System.Object[])' has no supported translation to SQL."

public static class PredicateBuilder
    public static Expression<Func<T, bool>> True<T>() { return f => true; }
    public static Expression<Func<T, bool>> False<T>() { return f => false; }

    public static Expression<Func<T, bool>> Or<T>(this Expression<Func<T, bool>> expr1, Expression<Func<T, bool>> expr2)
        var invokedExpr = Expression.Invoke(expr2, expr1.Parameters.Cast<Expression>());
        return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(Expression.OrElse(expr1.Body, invokedExpr), expr1.Parameters);
    public static Expression<Func<T, bool>> And<T>(this Expression<Func<T, bool>> expr1, Expression<Func<T, bool>> expr2)
        var invokedExpr = Expression.Invoke(expr2, expr1.Parameters.Cast<Expression>());
        return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(Expression.AndAlso(expr1.Body, invokedExpr), expr1.Parameters);
    public static Expression<Func<T, bool>> StringLike<T>(Expression<Func<T, string>> selector, string pattern)
        var predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<T>();
        var parts = pattern.Split('%');
        if (parts.Length == 1) // not '%' sign
            predicate = predicate.And(s => selector.Compile()(s) == pattern);
            for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++)
                string p = parts[i];
                if (p.Length > 0)
                    if (i == 0)
                        predicate = predicate.And(s => selector.Compile()(s).StartsWith(p));
                    else if (i == parts.Length - 1)
                        predicate = predicate.And(s => selector.Compile()(s).EndsWith(p));
                        predicate = predicate.And(s => selector.Compile()(s).Contains(p));
        return predicate;
public List<QuickFindResult> QueryDocuments(string searchText, string customerSiteId, List<int> filterIds)
    var where = PredicateBuilder.True<vw_QuickFindResult>();

    var searches = new List<String>(searchText.Split(' '));
    searches.ForEach(productName =>
        string like = productName.Replace('"', '%')
                                 .Replace('*', '%');

        where = PredicateBuilder.StringLike<vw_QuickFindResult>(x => x.DocumentName, like);

    var results = DocumentCollectionService.ListQuickFind(where, null);

    // Do other stuff here...

    return results;
public static List<vw_QuickFindResult> ListQuickFind(Expression<Func<vw_QuickFindResult, bool>> where, Expression<Func<vw_QuickFindResult, bool>> orderBy)
    var connectionString = GetConnectionString(ES_DOCUMENTS_CONNECTION_NAME);
    List<vw_QuickFindResult> results = null;

    using (HostingEnvironment.Impersonate())
        using (var dataContext = new ES_DocumentsDataContext(connectionString))
            IQueryable<vw_QuickFindResult> query = dataContext.vw_QuickFindResults;
            query = query.Where(where);

            results = query.ToList();

    return results;

Other Version #2 Fails: And generates this error: "Method 'Boolean Like(System.String, System.String)' cannot be used on the client; it is only for translation to SQL."

public List<QuickFindResult> QueryDocuments(string searchText, string customerSiteId, List<int> filterIds)
    Func<vw_QuickFindResult, bool> where = null;
    Func<string, Func<vw_QuickFindResult, bool>> buildKeywordPredicate = like => x => SqlMethods.Like(x.DocumentName, like);
    Func<Func<vw_QuickFindResult, bool>, Func<vw_QuickFindResult, bool>, Func<vw_QuickFindResult, bool>> buildOrPredicate = (pred1, pred2) => x => pred1(x) || pred2(x);

    // Build LIKE Clause for the WHERE
    var searches = new List<String>(searchText.Split(' '));
    searches.ForEach(productName =>
        string like = productName.Replace('"', '%')
                                 .Replace('*', '%');

        where = (where == null) ? buildKeywordPredicate(like) : buildOrPredicate(where, buildKeywordPredicate(like));

    var results = DocumentCollectionService.ListQuickFind(where, null);

    // Do other stuff here...

    return results;
public static List<vw_QuickFindResult> ListQuickFind(Expression<Func<vw_QuickFindResult, bool>> where, Expression<Func<vw_QuickFindResult, bool>> orderBy)
    var connectionString = GetConnectionString(ES_DOCUMENTS_CONNECTION_NAME);
    List<vw_QuickFindResult> results = null;

    using (HostingEnvironment.Impersonate())
        using (var dataContext = new ES_DocumentsDataContext(connectionString))
            var query = dataContext.vw_QuickFindResults.AsEnumerable();
            query = query.Where(where);

            results = query.ToList();

    return results;


THIS IS THE CORRECT ASWER Here is the working version for those who need it. The issue was a COMBINATION of things. The first of which was the following line was set to True:

var where = PredicateBuilder.True<vw_QuickFindResult>();

It should be False...

var where = PredicateBuilder.False<vw_QuickFindResult>();

I don't know why...but other changes were needed also.

public static class PredicateBuilder
    public static Expression<Func<T, bool>> True<T>() { return f => true; }
    public static Expression<Func<T, bool>> False<T>() { return f => false; }

    public static Expression<Func<T, bool>> Or<T>(this Expression<Func<T, bool>> expr1, Expression<Func<T, bool>> expr2)
        var invokedExpr = Expression.Invoke(expr2, expr1.Parameters.Cast<Expression>());
        return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(Expression.OrElse(expr1.Body, invokedExpr), expr1.Parameters);
    public static Expression<Func<T, bool>> And<T>(this Expression<Func<T, bool>> expr1, Expression<Func<T, bool>> expr2)
        var invokedExpr = Expression.Invoke(expr2, expr1.Parameters.Cast<Expression>());
        return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(Expression.AndAlso(expr1.Body, invokedExpr), expr1.Parameters);
public List<QuickFindResult> QueryDocuments(string searchText, string customerSiteId, List<int> filterIds)
    var wildCards = new string[] { "*", """ };
    var where = PredicateBuilder.False<vw_QuickFindResult>();
    var searches = new List<String>(searchText.Split(' ')); // TODO: <-- If more complex searches are needed we'll have to use RegularExpressions

    // SEARCH TEXT - WHERE Clause
    searches.ForEach(productName =>
        Boolean hasWildCards = (productName.IndexOfAny(new char[] { '"', '*' }) != -1);
        if (hasWildCards)
            Int32 length = productName.Length;
            if (length > 1)
                string like = productName.Replace("%", "")
                                         .Replace("*", "");

                string first = productName.Substring(0, 1);
                string last = productName.Substring(length - 1);

                // Contains
                if (wildCards.Contains(first) && wildCards.Contains(last))
                    where = where.Or(p => p.DocumentName.Contains(like) ||

                // EndsWith
                else if (wildCards.Contains(first))
                    where = where.Or(p => p.DocumentName.EndsWith(like) ||

                // StartsWith
                else if (wildCards.Contains(last))
                    where = where.Or(p => p.DocumentName.StartsWith(like) ||

                // Contains (default)
                    where = where.Or(p => p.DocumentName.Contains(like) ||
            else // Can only perform a "contains"
                where = where.Or(p => p.DocumentName.Contains(productName) ||
        else // Can only perform a "contains"
            where = where.Or(p => p.DocumentName.Contains(productName) ||

    // FILTER IDS - WHERE Clause
    var filters = GetAllFilters().Where(x => filterIds.Contains(x.Id)).ToList();
    filters.ForEach(filter =>
        if (!filter.IsSection)
            where = where.And(x => x.FilterName == filter.Name);

    var dataSource = DocumentCollectionService.ListQuickFind(where);
    var collection = new List<QuickFindResult>();

    // Other UNRELATED stuff happens here...

    return collection;
public static List<vw_QuickFindResult> ListQuickFind(Expression<Func<vw_QuickFindResult, bool>> where)
    var connectionString = GetConnectionString(ES_DOCUMENTS_CONNECTION_NAME);
    List<vw_QuickFindResult> results = null;

    using (HostingEnvironment.Impersonate())
        using (var dataContext = new ES_DocumentsDataContext(connectionString))
            var query = dataContext.vw_QuickFindResults.Where(where).OrderBy(x => x.DocumentName).OrderBy(x => x.DocumentTitle);
            results = query.ToList();

    return results;


