定义布局屏幕尺寸5“ - 7”布局、定义、屏幕尺寸

由网友(我是暖男i)分享简介:我要专为规模5的屏幕定义不同的布局 - 7英寸。我该怎么办呢? I want to define different layouts specifically for screens with size 5 - 7 inches. How can I do that? 例如:对于大小比7英寸更多的屏幕,我在布局...

我要专为规模5的屏幕定义不同的布局 - 7英寸。我该怎么办呢?

I want to define different layouts specifically for screens with size 5 - 7 inches. How can I do that?

例如:对于大小比7英寸更多的屏幕,我在布局sw6000dp 文件夹定义的布局。我怎么可以做同样的屏幕大小为5 - 7英寸

For example: for screens with size more than 7 inches, I defined the layouts in the layout-sw6000dp folder. How can I do the same for screens with size 5 - 7 inches?



Put them in layout-large, and use dp as the units for dimensions.


Large is defined as 4.5-7 inches:

http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support。 HTML#范围

您还可以使用布局sw600dp到布局XLARGE你> 7寸的布局改变。

You could also change from using layout-sw600dp to layout-xlarge for your >7 inch layouts.


