HERE Maps API - 获取瓷砖中所有道路的速度限制?瓷砖、道路、速度、HERE

由网友(小糖块儿)分享简介:我正在编写一个密切跟踪用户驾驶速度的应用.我目前正在使用 HERE API getlinkinfo 使用纬度/经度获取特定点的道路速度限制.I'm writing an app that closely tracks a user's driving speed. I'm currently using the HE...

我正在编写一个密切跟踪用户驾驶速度的应用.我目前正在使用 HERE API getlinkinfo 使用纬度/经度获取特定点的道路速度限制.

I'm writing an app that closely tracks a user's driving speed. I'm currently using the HERE API getlinkinfo to get the speed limit of a road at a particular point using lat/long.,-122.092380

当用户在十字路口或立交桥上/下时,纬度/经度不会指定用户当前在哪条道路上,因此我并不总是得到正确的速度限制.我相信可以使用平台数据扩展 API 读取数据图块,但我使用的计划只有标准功能集,因此 API 不可用.有没有办法使用标准特征集在某个点的某个半径内或二维正方形内获得所有道路的速度限制?

When the user is in an intersection or is on/under an overpass the lat/long doesn't specify which road the user is currently on so I don't always get the correct speed limit returned. I believe tiles of data can be read with the Platform Data Extension API but I'm using a plan with only the Standard Feature set so that API is not available. Is there a way to get all of the speed limits of roads within a certain radius of a point or within a 2 dimensional square using the Standard Feature set?


getlinkinfo 将于 2017 年 3 月 31 日贬值.为了获得限速信息,您必须使用 PDE(平台数据扩展)这需要一个APP ID和代码.如果您正在使用 PHP,您可以使用下面的链接来帮助您入门.

getlinkinfo will depreciated March 31, 2017. In order to get speed limit information you will have to use PDE (Platform Data Extension) which requires an APP ID and Code. If you are working in PHP you can use the link below to help get you started.



