
由网友(我的鱼塘能养鲲)分享简介:我设计的应用程序,它需要解析大型XML并保持整个应用程序访问的序列化的数据。我打算有一个数据对象,将保持所存储的数据和每个组件(尽管不是每一个)可以访问该数据。I'm designing an app which involves parsing a large XML and keeping the seriali...


I'm designing an app which involves parsing a large XML and keeping the serialised data accessible throughout the application. I intend to have a data object which will keep the data stored and each component (though not every one) can access the data.

我想这个数据是非永久性的,从而应用程序解析XML,并保持在存储器中的数据。请注意,此数据会很大(XML文件> 2MB)。另外,我想数据,当用户切换到另一个应用程序在那里。

I would like this data to be non-persistent, whereby the application parses the XML and keeps the data in memory. Note this data will be large (XML file is >2MB). Also, I would like the data to be there when a user switches to another app.


I have looked into possible solutions, such as:



I do not want to get in to the endless argument of Singletons vs. extending Application, etc. but I would like to do unit tests as well and I've heard that Singletons and static objects are hard to test.


Can anyone shed some light on this? What would be the most elegant way to do it?


Should the data be persistent or not? Making it persistent would mean that there would, in theory, be one parse of the XML, serialises it, stores the data in a database and could use an object to access that data from the component. How does that sound?


Edit 2: I think the way I am going to keep the data accessible throughout the application is to use an SQLite database which will store the data.


Using the XML file, I will parse the data and put it in the database on first launch using a created subclass of SQLiteOpenHelper. When the data is needed I will make queries to the database using the subclass using read access. Each component (Activity/Service/etc.) would have its own instance of the SQLiteOpenHelper to make queries to the database and thus have access to the data. How does this sound?



I think the way I am going to keep the data accessible throughout the application is to use an SQLite database which will store the data.


Using the XML file, I will parse the data and put it in the database on first launch using a created subclass of SQLiteOpenHelper. When the data is needed I will make queries to the database using the subclass using read access. Each component (Activity/Service/etc.) would have its own instance of the SQLiteOpenHelper to make queries to the database.


