在IIS7 .NET 3.5坏请求错误400错误、NET

由网友(山高木南)分享简介:我遇到的IIS7错误请求错误400。我有恩的URL字符串codeD特殊字符。我的URL看起来像这样(不喜欢%26):I am running into a bad request error 400 on IIS7. I have encoded special characters in the URL strin...


I am running into a bad request error 400 on IIS7. I have encoded special characters in the URL string. My URL's look something like this (doesn't like %26):


这将是,如果我是在.NET 4.0中运行一个简单的办法,但我对Rackspace的云只能运行在IIS7 .NET 3.5。

This would be an easy fix if I were running on .NET 4.0, but I am on rackspace cloud and can only run on IIS7 .NET 3.5.

这是我在我的web.config中使用的,如果我是在IIS7 .NET 4.0:

This is what I would use in my web.config if I were on IIS7 .NET 4.0:


在IIS7运行,并且时有什么其他选择有.NET 3.5?

What other options are there when running on IIS7 and .NET 3.5?



Why encode special characters into the URL at all?


Why not convert them all to a more SEO-friendly form that has only alphanumeric characters and dashes and store that special form in your database. Or, even easier, include the ID in the URL and use the latter part just to make it human readable and SEO-friendly:

例如。 www.myjobs.com/a/1234/q-Barnes-and-noble

e.g. www.myjobs.com/a/1234/q-Barnes-and-noble


This approach also means you can change your encoding later (maybe add some new special character to alpha mapping) and not have any 404's.


