CORS - 从 Postman 伪造 CORS 预检无法返回标头CORS、Postman

由网友(- 小熊_)分享简介:如果我伪造来自 Postman 的 OPTIONS 预检 CORS 请求,我不会从我的 API 中取回 CORS 标头.If I fake an OPTIONS preflight CORS request from Postman, I don't get the CORS headers back from my...

如果我伪造来自 Postman 的 OPTIONS 预检 CORS 请求,我不会从我的 API 中取回 CORS 标头.

If I fake an OPTIONS preflight CORS request from Postman, I don't get the CORS headers back from my API.


我设法让它使用 邮递员拦截器我的设置如下

I managed to get it working using Postman Interceptor The settings I had were as below


