如何添加标记只有街道 - 的Andr​​oid开发标记、街道、oid、Andr

由网友(稍尽春風)分享简介:大量的搜索之后,我还没有找到一个解决方案,为我工作,我真的希望这里有人可以帮助我。首先,我将解释我的问题,然后我会提到一些至今认为我已经尝试的方法/的。After plenty of searching, I haven't yet found a solution that works for me and I'm...


After plenty of searching, I haven't yet found a solution that works for me and I'm really hoping someone here could help me. First I'll explain my problem, and then I'll mention some of the approaches I've attempted/considered so far.


Basically, I'm developing an Android app where markers randomly appear around the user's location. The catch is, the markers need to be placed on streets only.

我一直在使用谷歌地图Android的API V2,但我想使用任何与限制,如地理编码来解决。

I've been working with Google Maps Android API V2 but I'm trying to work around using anything with "limitations" such as 'geocoding'.


I've considered using different map API's such as Nutiteq but I've had some trouble implementing them. It would be nice to stick to Google since I've become familiar with it but I'm willing to try any suggestions you may have.

我甚至考虑装载了谷歌地图API V3在HTML文件中,这样我就可以使用GDirections加载路径从一个点到自己,然后分析这些数据,使用JS谷歌地图Android的API V2,但事实证明GDirections有限制为好。

I have even considered loading up Google Maps API V3 in an html file so that I can use GDirections to load a path from one point to itself and then parse this data to Google Maps Android API V2 using JS but turns out GDirections has a limit as well.


Anyone have any idea how I can go about doing this? Even if the solution is hacky, it's still something.


I'm fairly new to Android Development.


滑稽你想要达到的目标。你并不需要加载API V3 HTML。您可以直接使用方向API:http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/json?origin=51,19&destination=51,19&sensor=false

Funny what you want to achieve. You don't need to load API V3 html. You can use directions api directly: http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/json?origin=51,19&destination=51,19&sensor=false


It still has limitations, but is was like 2000 or something a day a device. And you don't want to put more than 2000 markers on single user's screen, do you?


This is easy to parse, for example with Gson.


