
由网友(シ控Уù紳±)分享简介:我有一个网站,用户可以上岗。用户可以从全球各地,所以当他们发布,我存储发布日期DateTime.UtcNow。我使用jQuery前段时间插上展现DAT发布类似堆栈溢出(1小时前等...),但我不知道如何转换成我已经存储在系统中对用户本地时间日期?下面是我使用的:I have a site where users ca...


I have a site where users can make posts. The users can be from all over the globe so when they post, I am storing the posted date as DateTime.UtcNow. I am using the JQuery time ago plug in to show the posted dat similar to stack overflow (1 min ago etc...) But I am not sure how to convert to date I have stored in the system to the users local time? Here is what I am using:

public static MvcHtmlString ConvertToLocalTime(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, DateTime date)
        DateTime convertedDate = DateTime.SpecifyKind(DateTime.Parse(date.ToString()),DateTimeKind.Utc);
        return MvcHtmlString.Create(convertedDate.ToLocalTime().ToString());

这看到的时间转换为服务器的本地时间,但我需要它的用户的本地时间。我究竟做错了什么?我使用.NET MVC 2和.NET 4.0

This sees to convert the time to the servers local time but I need it for the users local time. What am I doing wrong? I am using .NET MVC 2 and .NET 4.0



In general, you aren't going to know the user's exact time zone on the server side. Instead of trying to convert to the user's local time on the server side, send the time to the client in UTC and have the client convert the time. The TimeAgo plugin does this automatically as long as you give it the time in full ISO8601 format:

<abbr class="timeago" title="2008-07-17T09:24:17Z">July 17, 2008</abbr>

以Z 在时间戳的结尾是非常重要的;这意味着UTC。

The Z at the end of the timestamp is important; that means UTC.


