
由网友(独行侠)分享简介:我为是不耐烦的错,但我刚刚安装姜饼SDK和Eclipse的新的ADT插件基于Eclipse 3.5现在,当我运行现有的谷歌地图的项目已在2.2工作得很好,我看到在Eclipse中运行时,就像我仿佛错了调试Maps API密钥没有地图显示。 (我刚刚得到的灰色屏幕和谷歌标志左下角。)My fault for being...

我为是不耐烦的错,但我刚刚安装姜饼SDK和Eclipse的新的ADT插件基于Eclipse 3.5现在,当我运行现有的谷歌地图的项目已在2.2工作得很好,我看到在Eclipse中运行时,就像我仿佛错了调试Maps API密钥没有地图显示。 (我刚刚得到的灰色屏幕和谷歌标志左下角。)

My fault for being impatient but I've just installed Gingerbread SDK and the new ADT plugin for Eclipse on Eclipse 3.5 Now when I run an existing Google maps project which has worked fine on 2.2, I see no map displayed when running in Eclipse, just like as if I had the wrong debug maps API key. (I just get the grey screen and the Google logo bottom left.)

我有使用旧的API谷歌构建路径[Android 2.1的UPDATE1]就像它以前和目标AVD是谷歌API 7级前。 (我还创建了一个新的谷歌API级别7,并且也不行)。

I have the build path using the old Google APIs [Android 2.1 update1] just like it was before and the target AVD is Google API level 7 as before. (I also created a new Google API level 7 and that doesn't work either).


It seems that something in the backward compatibility is broken somewhere. The only thing in logcat which may be of significance is:

12-06 19:10:31.095: ERROR/ActivityThread(231): Failed to find provider info for com.google.settings


where 231 is the PID of my application.


All suggestions will be gratefully received


(I have checked with Google that my debug API key is still OK)


(I tried to add a Gingerbread tag to this question, but don't have enough rep. Perhaps someone would like to add one?)



part of manifest.xml

<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="4" />



# This file is automatically generated by Android Tools.
# Do not modify this file -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE ERASED!
# This file must be checked in Version Control Systems.
# To customize properties used by the Ant build system use,
# "build.properties", and override values to adapt the script to your
# project structure.

# Indicates whether an apk should be generated for each density.
# Project target.
target=Google Inc.:Google APIs:7


I imported the sample MapsDemo project from the addon, pasted my API key in the xml and see this:

12-06 21:55:16.722: ERROR/MapActivity(492): Couldn't get connection factory client

在logcat中(492是示例应用程序的PID,我还是得到公正的灰色屏幕 - 无图)我不知道,如果是相关的?

in the logcat (492 is the PID of the sample app, I still get just the grey screen - no map) I wonder if it's relevant?


这不只是地图应用程序。 每一个应用程序需要在每个AVD(新建或pre-现有的)无法连接的网络连接。内置的浏览器无法找到谷歌。

It's not just the maps application. Every single application that requires network connectivity on every AVD (newly created or pre-existing) fails to connect. The built in browser can't find google. The build in app called "maps" comes up with "loading", then "Network failure - This application requires a working data connection".


What have I done? Please suggest how can I fix it?


完美作品在我的AVD。确保测试针对正确的平台。这意味着,确保创建一个谷歌2.3 API的AVD。

Works perfectly on my AVD. Make sure to test it against the correct platform. That means make sure to create a 2.3 Google APIs AVD.


