Android的对话框 - 迷茫对话框、迷茫、Android

由网友(王的羁绊;)分享简介:我一直试图让对话框的句柄。我读了Android开发人员网站信息和十几个bolg的。这似乎有这样做的几种方法,我至少能够得到一个对话框,3个按键(不使用带有自定义布局的自定义对话框)。I've been trying to get a handle on Dialogs. I read the android dev...


I've been trying to get a handle on Dialogs. I read the android dev site info and a dozen bolg's. It seems there are several ways of doing it and I'm able to at least get a dialog with 3 buttons (not using a custom dialog with custom layout).


If I set up the positive/negative/neutral actions with something like finish(), cancel() etc, it works with those calls.


But, what I want to do is have the buttons do something more, if only display a text using a string defined in the Maincode (not a Toast). Eventually, I want to enter some numbers in a dialog and return them in a string. Yes, I can do that from another activity screen but, prefer not to as I like the compact size of a dialog.


Even cheating and returning an integer to the Maincode to do some switch/case stuff would be okay but, I seem not able to even return an integer.

据我了解,我需要做一个定制的警告对话框做输入的东西,以下是我尝试在一开始通过只是想返回一个字符串或整数 - 它似乎并没有被让我有!

I understand that I'll need to do a customized alert dialog to do input stuff and the following is my attempt at a start by just trying to return a string or integer - it doesn't seem to be getting me there!

这code presents用3个按钮对话框。这仅仅是一个尝试的我做了(整数返回的东西删除)...

This code presents the dialog with 3 buttons. This is just one of the try's I made (integer return stuff deleted)...


What can I do to return an integer to the Maincode from a dialog button? There are no code errors or warnings, it just doesn't work as I hoped...

    public class Maincode extends Activity {
public static String rtndMessage = "Push Button";
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    final TextView text = (TextView) findViewById(
    final Button doIt = (Button) findViewById(;

    //  -----------------------------------------------------
    doIt.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            // do something
            Dialog1();          // call Dialog1
    }); // end -----------------------------------------------
// do the rest of the code (ie, display the result of doIt)
text.setText(rtndMessage);  // set text w/result
}//end onCreate ----------------------------------------------

public void Dialog1() {
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
builder.setTitle("Dialog Test");
// chain the following together
  builder.setMessage("Send text: Yes, No, Cancel")
    // the positive action ----------------------------------
    .setPositiveButton("Yes Action", new
        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id){            
            Maincode.rtndMessage = "sent Yes back";             
    // The negative action ----------------------------------
    .setNegativeButton("No Action", new
        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id){
            Maincode.rtndMessage = "sent No back";
    // The negative action ------------------------------
    .setNeutralButton("Cancel", new
        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id){
            Maincode.rtndMessage = "sent N/A back";
            dialog.cancel();    // just return to activity
});; //显示对话框    } //结束对话    } //结束活动; // show the dialog }//end Dialog }//end activity


您可以实现对话作为单独的活动,让你需要的任何行为。只是采用标准的Andr​​oid Theme.Dialog主题活动,以使它看起来像对话框。你也可以创建自己的指点主题Theme.Dialog父。

You can implement the dialog as separate Activity and get any behavior you need. Just apply standard android Theme.Dialog theme to the activity to make it look like dialog. Also you can create theme of your own pointing Theme.Dialog as parent.


