
由网友(余生有你就好)分享简介:我正在编写一个 OpenAPI (Swagger) 定义,其中查询参数可以不带任何值或 N 个值,如下所示:I am writing an OpenAPI (Swagger) definition where a query parameter can take none, or N values, like thi...

我正在编写一个 OpenAPI (Swagger) 定义,其中查询参数可以不带任何值或 N 个值,如下所示:

I am writing an OpenAPI (Swagger) definition where a query parameter can take none, or N values, like this:


如何在 OpenAPI YAML 中编写这个?

How can I write this in OpenAPI YAML?


I tried the following, but it does not produce the expected result:

- name: sort
  in: query
    type: string
    enum: [field1,field2,field3]
  allowEmptyValue: true
  required: false
  description: Sort the results by attributes. (See http://jsonapi.org/format/1.1/#fetching-sorting)



A query parameter containing a comma-separated list of values is defined as an array. If the values are predefined, then it's an array of enum.

默认情况下,数组可以有任意数量的项目,与您的无或更多"匹配.要求.如果需要,您可以使用 minItemsmaxItems 限制项目数量,并可选择强制执行 uniqueItems: true.

By default, an array may have any number of items, which matches your "none or more" requirement. If needed, you can restrict the number of items using minItems and maxItems, and optionally enforce uniqueItems: true.

参数定义如下所示.collectionFormat: csv 表示值以逗号分隔,但这是默认格式,因此可以省略.

The parameter definition would look as follows. collectionFormat: csv indicates that the values are comma-separated, but this is the default format so it can be omitted.

        - name: sort
          in: query
          type: array  # <-----
            type: string
            enum: [field1, field2, field3]
          collectionFormat: csv  # <-----
          required: false
          description: Sort the results by attributes. (See http://jsonapi.org/format/1.1/#fetching-sorting)

OpenAPI 3.x

OpenAPI 2.0 中的

collectionFormat: csv 已替换为 style: form + explode: false.style:form是查询参数的默认样式,可以省略.

OpenAPI 3.x

collectionFormat: csv from OpenAPI 2.0 has been replaced with style: form + explode: false. style: form is the default style for query parameters, so it can be omitted.

        - name: sort
          in: query
            type: array  # <-----
              type: string
              enum: [field1, field2, field3]
          required: false
          description: Sort the results by attributes. (See http://jsonapi.org/format/1.1/#fetching-sorting)
          explode: false  # <-----

我认为不需要 allowEmptyValue,因为在这种情况下,空数组实际上是一个空值.此外,allowEmptyValue 不推荐 从 OpenAPI 3.0.2 开始使用,因为它将在未来的版本中删除."

I think there's no need for allowEmptyValue, because an empty array will be effectively an empty value in this scenario. Moreover, allowEmptyValue is not recommended for use since OpenAPI 3.0.2 "as it will be removed in a future version."


