编程转发锁定一个Android APKAndroid、APK

由网友(沵旳一句对卟起、伤透叻涐)分享简介:做了一些预先研究的,和我被困在总结点的称号。也就是说,有没有什么办法来转发锁定的APK安装编程,从另一个应用程序?我还没有碰到过任何超出以下职位的提示:http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/msg/e39941389d4a4cf8 Doing a...

做了一些预先研究的,和我被困在总结点 的称号。也就是说,有没有什么办法来转发锁定的APK 安装编程,从另一个应用程序?我还没有碰到过 任何超出以下职位的提示: http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/msg/e39941389d4a4cf8

Doing a bit of advance research, and am stuck on the point summarized in the title. Namely, is there any way to forward-lock an APK installed programmatically, from another app? I've not come across anything beyond a hint in the following post: http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/msg/e39941389d4a4cf8

我看不到任何东西的文档的PackageManager关于正向 锁定,但我欣然承认,这是在一个陌生的领域 SDK我。

I can't see anything in the docs for PackageManager about forward- locking, but I readily confess that this is an unfamiliar area of the SDK for me.


[Cross-posted with the Android-Developers Google group]


如果有人看这一次...因为我已经发现它不能在Android SDK的现代版本完成。此外,前锁定,此后一直去$ P $反正pcated。

If anyone looks at this again... I've since found out that it can't be done in modern versions of the Android SDK. Plus, forward-locking has since been deprecated anyway.


