部署时 Swagger UI 显示错误(验证)错误、Swagger、UI

由网友(且将酒作歌)分享简介:我的应用程序中嵌入了 swagger ui.当我在本地运行我的节点应用程序时,UI 运行良好.I have the swagger ui embedded in my application. And when I run my node application locally the UI works great...

我的应用程序中嵌入了 swagger ui.当我在本地运行我的节点应用程序时,UI 运行良好.

I have the swagger ui embedded in my application. And when I run my node application locally the UI works great.

但是,当我将 UI 部署到真实"服务器时,我的 swagger ui 右下角出现错误图像:

However when I deploy the UI to my 'real' server I get an error image in the bottom right of my swagger ui:

我确信这是我正在做的事情,但我不知道.当我通过 http 访问 swagger ui 时,再次在本地工作.

I am sure this is something I am doing that is screwing it up but I have no idea. Again works locally when I access swagger ui via http.

但是,当我通过 apache 运行并通过 https 提供服务时,我看到了一个错误.更糟糕的是,我的尝试一下"调用在部署时都不起作用.似乎没有提出请求.

However when I deploy I run through apache and serve out over https, I see an error. Even worse none of my 'Try it' calls work when deployed. Seems like the request is not being made.

看起来 UI 使用我的 swagger.json 调用验证器,但该调用在本地工作.

Looks like the UI makes a call to a validator with my swagger.json, however that call works locally.



When I click the error icon, I get:


要关闭 swagger 验证器,在 dist/index.html 中添加 validatorUrl : null,p>

To turn off swagger validator add validatorUrl : null, in dist/index.html in

  window.swaggerUi = new SwaggerUi({
    url: url,
    validatorUrl : null,
    dom_id: "swagger-ui-container",

