动作错误的swagger .net核心API模棱两可的HTTP方法模棱两可、核心、错误、动作

由网友(蝶舞花梦)分享简介:使用 .net Core 2 API 实现 Swashbuckle/Swagger 我现在在访问 swagger.json 时收到 500 错误:Implementing Swashbuckle/Swagger with .net Core 2 API I am now receiving the 500 error...

使用 .net Core 2 API 实现 Swashbuckle/Swagger 我现在在访问 swagger.json 时收到 500 错误:

Implementing Swashbuckle/Swagger with .net Core 2 API I am now receiving the 500 error when accessing swagger.json:

NotSupportedException:不明确的 HTTP 操作方法 -EBisAPI.Controllers._class.HandleError (EBisAPI).行动需要一个Swagger 的显式 HttpMethod 绑定

NotSupportedException: Ambiguous HTTP method for action - EBisAPI.Controllers._class.HandleError (EBisAPI). Actions require an explicit HttpMethod binding for Swagger


I have gone through all the controllers and see explicit routing on all the public methods of each controller. Is there a way to determine which method is throwing the ambiguous routing error?


当方法在控制器中声明为公共但没有 REST 属性时,可能会发生这种情况.将方法更改为 protected 可能会解决问题.

This can occur when a method is declared public in a controller, but without REST attributes. Changing the method to protected may address the issue.


I have seen this kind of error before and usually the error message points to the culprit: EBisAPI.Controllers._class.HandleError

我猜 HandleError 是您的基类中的 public 方法,对吧?将其更改为 protected 并重试.

I guess HandleError is a public method in your base class, right? Change it to protected and try again.


This is of course only one possible solution. If the method which is mentioned in the error message is part of an interface implementation, it doesn't work and you need to look at one of the other solutions.


