
由网友(被抛弃的男孩-)分享简介:我相信有一个简单的解决方案,这一个,但我想我会检查与这里所有的人第一。I am sure there is an easy solution to this one but I figured I would check with all the folks here first.我正在为Android在用户创建并...


I am sure there is an easy solution to this one but I figured I would check with all the folks here first.


I am working on a database creation and management application for android where the user creates and manages data along the line of what PHPMyAdmin does for regular computers.


I have the section where the user creates a database and can insert tables with the appropriate styled data into the system.


The next priority is selecting which DB to enter and modify its contents. Is there a way to display the available databases, along with its table contents, in the form of a list-view for the user to enter and edit the desired data??


I know that this is a rather dull question, but this is basically the last piece of the puzzle for me to fit into this app before it is operational in a raw format. If you need any further information, or any code to examine, I will be happy to provide.



下面是对SQLite数据库和显示内容的一个很好的教程在的ListView : http://www.vogella.com/articles/AndroidSQLite/article.html#databasetutorial

Here's a good tutorial on SQLite databases and displaying contents in a ListView: http://www.vogella.com/articles/AndroidSQLite/article.html#databasetutorial


It doesn't go over editing that much, but it's easy to see where he puts the values into the database.

thenewboston在YouTube上是Android教程一个很好的资源,他就去了的SQLite 数据库: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEg9OdufXmM

thenewboston on YouTube is a good resource for Android tutorials and he goes over SQLite databases: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEg9OdufXmM

这是pretty的COM prehensive和缓慢的,如果你已经有点知道你在做什么,所以这里是他越过插入数据/编辑数据库,如果你只是想跳转至: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3Z4e7KgNdU

It's pretty comprehensive and slow if you already kinda know what you're doing so here is where he goes over inserting data/editing the database if you just wanna jump to that: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3Z4e7KgNdU


