.ASPX 上的自定义用户控件和友好的属性项集合(类似于 ListBox 和 ListItems,但带有 L​​ist<Class>)自定义、类似于、控件、友好

由网友(烟比女人亲,伤肺不伤心)分享简介:我一直想知道如何为用户控件创建一个公共属性,该属性类似于 .NET 原生项的集合属性(例如,ListBox 和 ListItems):I have been wondering a long time how to do a public property for a User Control that work's...

我一直想知道如何为用户控件创建一个公共属性,该属性类似于 .NET 原生项的集合属性(例如,ListBox 和 ListItems):

I have been wondering a long time how to do a public property for a User Control that work's like .NET native Item's collection Property (for Example, ListBox and ListItems):

<asp:ListBox blablabla>
    <asp:ListItem></asp:ListItem> <- Inline item collection...


I have been checking around the web but without any sucess. I think it must be any type of attribute that i need to add to the property, OR interface that should need to be inherited by the user control, but no clue about it, and have been thinking about it long time.

我必须在自定义用户控件上使用它,但 Visual Studio 没有将它识别为有效的项目集合.

I have got to work it on a custom user control, but Visual Studio didn't recognised it as a valid item collection.

假设我们有这个 userControl:

Let's say that we have this userControl:

public partial class userControls_Blablabla : System.Web.UI.UserControl
  public List<configItem> ConfigItem {get; set; }

  blablabla...rest logic here...

public class configItem {
   public string Name {get; set;}
   public string Url {get; set;}
   public string Color {get; set;}

  blablabla...rest logic here...

应该怎么做,才能在Visual Studio的.ASPX编辑器上做类似的事情,并被Intellisense识别?

How should be done, to be able to do something like that on the .ASPX editor of Visual Studio, and it get recognised by Intellisense?

<User_Control:userControls_Blablabla ID="blablabla" ...blablabla....>
   <ConfigItem Name="1" Url="...." Color="..." />
   <ConfigItem Name="2" Url="...." Color="..." />
   <ConfigItem Name="3" Url="...." Color="..." />


Sorry for my english, i know it's not very good.




You need to decorate the control and it's properties with sufficient information that the designer can pick up on details at design time. Have you checked this link?


