Facebook的SDK为Android - 第一次登录是很慢/需要很长的时间很长、很慢、时间、Facebook

由网友(姊ㄨ雨晨♂風)分享简介:我的Andr​​oid应用使用Facebook的SDK的v 3.01集成。登录使用下面的一行:  Session.openActiveSession(m_activity,真实,回调); My Android app integrates with Facebook using the SDK v 3.01.Log...

我的Andr​​oid应用使用Facebook的SDK的v 3.01集成。登录使用下面的一行:  Session.openActiveSession(m_activity,真实,回调);

My Android app integrates with Facebook using the SDK v 3.01. Login using the line below: Session.openActiveSession(m_activity, true, callback);


The first time a user tries to login to Facebook through the app, it takes a REALLY long time to get to the point where the user is expected to enter input (username / pass). I have measured cases of over a minute, but ~30 seconds is "normal".


99% of this time is just waiting for the Facebook SDK to open the Facebook login page. User sees an empty screen with a title bar with my application name on it, and in the center a progress bar turning and turning...




By the way, the login process (if you can spare the time) eventually works out, and future logins are very quick. But most users just don't get the white screen with the progress bar and hit 'back', hence never logging in with Facebook.

我已经想到了下面的选项,并排除出来:  - 实现自己的登录使用OAuth:排除了,因为我觉得FB会通过他们的API来删除登录不支持  - 执行此过程在后台,只弹出登录活动时,它的读:排除,因为我不认为这是可能的...  - 改变code:排除了,因为我无法找到......伐木的'好'的方式

I have thought of the following options and ruled them out: - Implement my own login using OAuth: Ruled out because I think FB is going to remove support for login not through their API - Do this process in the background and only popup the login activity when it's 'read': Ruled out because I don't think it's possible... - Change the code: Ruled out because I couldn't find a 'better' way of logging in...


My guess is that either I'm doing something wrong, or there's at least one smart person out there that figured out a way around this.


Appreciate your help and a productive discussion.


Facebook的登录添加到您的应用程序最简单的方法是添加 LoginButton 从的 Facebook的SDK

The simplest way to add Facebook Login to your app is to add LoginButton from the Facebook sdk


