
由网友(林深时见鹿)分享简介:我被要求写一个基于Android的产品小型简单的应用程序。该设备自带两款Android系统映像各具特色。我正在写的应用程序只是当你点击一个按钮,其概念证明,它采用了回收系统的图像之一,以取代目前的操作系统。I have been asked to write a small simple app for an And...


I have been asked to write a small simple app for an Android-based product. The device comes with two Android system images with different features. The app I'm writing is just a proof of concept where when you click on a button, it uses the Recovery System to replace the current OS with one of the images.


The device is rooted and the application runs as a system app.


RecoverySystem.installPackage(context, packageFile);


(see here for reference) to replace the OS with one of the images. This should reboot the system and initialize the recovery system to install the image.

这是我已经是这个电话,因为 RecoverySystem.installPackage 方法似乎无法访问/缓存/恢复/命令文件失败的问题。我想它会尝试写一些命令来恢复系统要在重新启动时执行,但失败。下面是我得到异常:

The problem that I have is that this call fails because the RecoverySystem.installPackage method can't seem to access the /cache/recovery/command file. I guess it tries to write some commands for the recovery system to be executed on reboot, but fails. Here is the exception I am getting:

02-27 16:44:39.463: E/BroadSign Resolution Switcher(4439): /cache/recovery/command: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)
02-27 16:44:39.463: E/BroadSign Resolution Switcher(4439):  at
02-27 16:44:39.463: E/BroadSign Resolution Switcher(4439):  at<init>(
02-27 16:44:39.463: E/BroadSign Resolution Switcher(4439):  at<init>(
02-27 16:44:39.463: E/BroadSign Resolution Switcher(4439):  at<init>(
02-27 16:44:39.463: E/BroadSign Resolution Switcher(4439):  at android.os.RecoverySystem.bootCommand(
02-27 16:44:39.463: E/BroadSign Resolution Switcher(4439):  at android.os.RecoverySystem.installPackage(


So, I am assuming that I don't have the proper permission to access this file. Though here are the permission that I have set in my manifest:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.REBOOT" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_CACHE_FILESYSTEM" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.DELETE_CACHE_FILES" />

我知道我需要为 RecoverySystem 重启许可。但是,我不知道其他两个是相关的。我甚至不知道我是否需要一些其他权限创建/写在/缓存分区的文件。

I know I need the REBOOT permission for the RecoverySystem. However, I don't know if the other two are relevant. I don't even know if I need some other permission to create/write to files in the /cache partition.


Does anybody know what I could be missing?



Well, it looks like I figured it out. The permissions were right after all. Everything was right.


When I was setting up the app as a system app by moving the apk file to /system/app I hadn't put all the permissions in yet. When I ran the latest code on my device, it installed it in /data/app and recognized it as an update to the system app. Because of that, only the permissions of the original system app were recognized.

我后,重新建立了我的最新的code从/ system / app中直接运行,它的工作。

After I re-set up my latest code to run from /system/app directly, it worked.


Now the only issue I have is that when it reboots it doesn't install the image and I end up with a dead green robot with an exclamation mark. I'll keep investigating.


I hope this post helps anyone with the same issue. I'll be happy to answer any questions as well.



Before when my app was installed in /system/app I was getting below error:

07-20 10:52:46.512      933-951/? W/RecoverySystem﹕ !!! REBOOTING TO INSTALL /storage/emulated/legacy/Download/ !!!
07-20 10:52:46.512      933-951/? W/System.err﹕ /cache/recovery/command: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)
07-20 10:52:46.512      933-951/? W/System.err﹕ at
07-20 10:52:46.512      933-951/? W/System.err﹕ at<init>(
07-20 10:52:46.512      933-951/? W/System.err﹕ at<init>(
07-20 10:52:46.512      933-951/? W/System.err﹕ at<init>(
07-20 10:52:46.512      933-951/? W/System.err﹕ at android.os.RecoverySystem.bootCommand(
07-20 10:52:46.522      933-951/? W/System.err﹕ at android.os.RecoverySystem.installPackage(


I had tried all permissions that were required but I couldn't proceed.

于是,因为我是用上面4.2我试图API的把我的应用程序到 /系统/私法应用 和它的工作对我来说

So then since I was using API above 4.2 I tried to put my app into /system/priv-app and it worked for me.


