跨多个不同的子类的静态变量 - 更正多个、子类、变量、静态

由网友(夜幕篱下浅笙歌°)分享简介:我不知道发生了什么事,如果我定义我的所有活动的子类基本活动对象。然后,我宣布在基类中的静态变量,将所有的子类使用同一个静态或会有每个子类之一。I was wondering what happened if I define a base Activity object with all my activities...


I was wondering what happened if I define a base Activity object with all my activities as subclasses of that. Then I declare a static variable in the base class, will all the subclasses use the SAME static or will there be one per subclass.


public class MyBaseActivity extends Activity{

   static int myStatic;




public class MyActivity1 extends MyBaseActivity {

   private void someMethod1(){
         myStatic = 1;



public class MyActivity1 extends MyBaseActivity {

   private void someMethod2(){
          if (myStatic == 1)



如果我现在开始MyActivity1并将其设置在myStatic值。然后,它退出,然后我开始MyActivity2 - 我应该还是有通过的第一个活动设置的值?在上面的例子中,将在if语句是真的还是假的?

If I now start MyActivity1 and it sets a value in "myStatic". It then exits and then I start MyActivity2 - should I still have the value set by the first activity? In the example above, would the "if" statement be true or false?


I know that if I instantiate Activity1 more than once then obviously I would get the same static variable. However, here I am instantiating a different subclass each time.

我收到IM pression那是什么发生在我身上,但要确保。

I am getting the impression that that is what is happening to me but want to be sure.



Static is static. They will reference the same object.


