在Asp.NET 4.0清洁Web.Config文件?清洁、文件、NET、Asp

由网友(Silent(无言))分享简介:好了,我想知道,有明确的web.config文件可能是好的,但你知道一些共享的网络托管公司不让我们碰之类的东西machine.config中和等。I am wondering having clear web.config file could be good but you know some shared we...



I am wondering having clear web.config file could be good but you know some shared web hosting companies don't allow us to touch things like machine.config and etc.


So If a lot of things have been moved onto machine.config, then will we be allowed to change things like we used to through web.config file.


没有改变在这方面与ASP.NET 4.0:ASP.NET配置模式一直运作方式是,你可以覆盖machine.config中设置在您的网站根目录的web.config,并进一步在子目录。

Nothing is changing in this regard with ASP.NET 4.0: the way the ASP.NET configuration model has always worked is that you can override settings in machine.config with a web.config in your site root and further in sub-directories.

下面是一个什么样的实际更改为ASP.NET 4.0配置文件和决定背后的原因的总结,它基本上以减少文件大小,让事情变得更简单,更易于阅读:http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2009/08/25/clean-web-config-files-vs-2010-and-net-4-0-series.aspx

Here is a summary of what's actually changing for ASP.NET 4.0 config files and the reasoning behind the decision, it's basically to reduce the file size, make things less complicated and easier to read: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2009/08/25/clean-web-config-files-vs-2010-and-net-4-0-series.aspx


