
由网友(Passerby﹌薄情丶)分享简介:的情况是这样的。我已经写在vb.net中的应用程序。它由两个部分组成。一个在PC上,另一手持的Windows Mobile 6设备上。桌面程序一个SQLServer压缩数据库往返于通过USB使用ActiveSync手持设备。可能我们要寻找到具有Android的手持设备也支持此应用程序。现在我知道我可以使用SQLite与...

的情况是这样的。我已经写在vb.net中的应用程序。它由两个部分组成。一个在PC上,另一手持的Windows Mobile 6设备上。桌面程序一个SQLServer压缩数据库往返于通过USB使用ActiveSync手持设备。可能我们要寻找到具有Android的手持设备也支持此应用程序。现在我知道我可以使用SQLite与.NET。我知道我可以使用亚行推拉数据(因此数据库文件),并从设备。

The situation is this. I have an application written in vb.net. it consists or two parts. One on a PC and the other on a handheld windows mobile 6 device . The desktop program transfers a SQLServer compact database to and from the handheld device using activesync via USB. Potentially we want to look into having android handheld devices also supported by this application. Now I know I can use SQLite with .net. I know I can use ADB to push and pull data (and therefore the database files) to and from the device.


What I need to know is can I access ADB directly from VB.NET as an API or SDK rather than having to do it manually.


Unless of course I'm missing something and I can copy databases to and from the device in some other way?



有没有直接的API为。我们有一个类似的场景,其中用户从桌面客户端同步的内容(也即数据库)(在我们的基础的情况下的Java Swing),其中手动使用亚洲开发银行和它的正常工作为止。

There's no direct API for that. We have a similar scenario, where the user syncs content (i.e. also the database) from a desktop client (in our case Java Swing based), which utilized adb manually and it's working fine so far.


In our java client, we'd call:

private static final String ADB_PUSH = """ + Utility.getWorkDir() + File.separator + "adb" -s %s push "%s" %s";

 * Pushes a file to a connected device via ADB
 * @param deviceId Device serial number
 * @param from Path of source file (on PC)
 * @param to Path of file destination (on device)
public static void push(String deviceId, String from, String to) {
    try {
        String cmd = String.format(ADB_PUSH, deviceId, from, to);
        System.out.println("adb push: " + cmd);
        Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
        InputStream is = p.getInputStream();
        InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);

        String line;
        while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
            System.out.println("adb: " + line);
    } catch (IOException e) {

