
由网友(蜜餹)分享简介:谈起凹凸贴图,高光和这几样东西在OpenGL着色语言(GLSL)Talking about bump mapping, specular highlight and these kind of things in OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL)我有:顶点数组(例如{0.2,0.5,0....


Talking about bump mapping, specular highlight and these kind of things in OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL)


顶点数组(例如{0.2,0.5,0.1,0.2,0.4,0.5,...}) 在法线数组(例如{0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,...}) 在世界空间中的一个点光源的位置(例如{0.0,1.0,-5.0}) 在世界空间观测者的位置(例如{0.0,0.0,0.0})(假设观众是世界的中心)


Now, how can I calculate the Binormal and Tangent for each vertex? I mean, what is the formula to calculate the Binormals, what I have to use based on those informations? And about the tangent?


I'll construct the TBN Matrix anyway, so if you know a formula to construct the matrix directly based on those informations will be nice!

呵呵,叶,我有纹理坐标也是如此,如果需要的。 正如我说的是GLSL,将是很好的每个顶点的解决方案,我的意思是,其中一个并不需要在同一时间访问多个顶点信息。

Oh, yeh, I have the texture coordinates too, if needed. And as I'm talking about GLSL, would be nice a per-vertex solution, I mean, one which doesn't need to access more than one vertex information at a time.


---- Update -----


vec3 tangent;
vec3 binormal;

vec3 c1 = cross(a_normal, vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
vec3 c2 = cross(a_normal, vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0));

if (length(c1)>length(c2))
    tangent = c1;
    tangent = c2;

tangent = normalize(tangent);

binormal = cross(v_nglNormal, tangent);
binormal = normalize(binormal);


But I don't know if it is 100% correct.



The relevant input data to your problem are the texture coordinates. Tangent and Binormal are vectors locally parallel to the object's surface. And in the case of normal mapping they're describing the local orientation of the normal texture.


So you have to calculate the direction (in the model's space) in which the texturing vectors point. Say you have a triangle ABC, with texture coordinates HKL. This gives us vectors:

D = B-A
E = C-A

F = K-H
G = L-H


Now we want to express D and E in terms of tangent space T, U, i.e.

D = F.s * T + F.t * U
E = G.s * T + G.t * U


This is a system of linear equations with 6 unknowns and 6 equations, it can be written as

| D.x D.y D.z |   | F.s F.t | | T.x T.y T.z |
|             | = |         | |             |
| E.x E.y E.z |   | G.s G.t | | U.x U.y U.z |


Inverting the FG matrix yields

| T.x T.y T.z |           1         |  G.t  -F.t | | D.x D.y D.z |
|             | = ----------------- |            | |             |
| U.x U.y U.z |   F.s G.t - F.t G.s | -G.s   F.s | | E.x E.y E.z |


Together with the vertex normal T and U form a local space basis, called the tangent space, described by the matrix

| T.x U.x N.x |
| T.y U.y N.y |
| T.z U.z N.z |


Transforming from tangent space into object space. To do lighting calculations one needs the inverse of this. With a little bit of exercise one finds:

T' = T - (N·T) N
U' = U - (N·U) N - (T'·U) T'


Normalizing the vectors T' and U', calling them tangent and binormal we obtain the matrix transforming from object into tangent space, where we do the lighting:

| T'.x T'.y T'.z |
| U'.x U'.y U'.z |
| N.x  N.y  N.z  |

我们保存T'和U'在一起的顶点正常的,因为模型的几何形状的一部分(顶点属性),这样我们就可以使用它们的着色器用于照明计算。 我再说一遍:你不能决定在着色器切线和副法线,你precompute并将其保存为模型的几何结构(就像法线)的一部分

We store T' and U' them together with the vertex normal as a part of the model's geometry (as vertex attributes), so that we can use them in the shader for lighting calculations. I repeat: You don't determine tangent and binormal in the shader, you precompute them and store them as part of the model's geometry (just like normals).


(The notation between the vertical bars above are all matrices, never determinants, which normally use vertical bars instead of brackets in their notation.)


