
由网友(浅水菇凉柠檬泪)分享简介:我试图做一个偏轴投射在我的应用程序,并试图改变场景的视角,每个用户的头部位置。通常情况下,因为我画一个框在屏幕上,我会在屏幕上画一个框为: I am trying to do an off-axis projection in my application and trying to change the persp...


I am trying to do an off-axis projection in my application and trying to change the perspective of the scene as per the user's head position. Normally, given that I had to draw a box on the screen, I would draw a Box on the screen as:

ofBox(350,250,0,50); //ofBox(x, y, z, size); where x, y and z used here are the screen coordinates


To do an off-axis projection here, I am aware that I would have to change the perspective projection as follows:

vertFov = 0.5; near = 0.5; aspRatio = 1.33;
glFrustum(near * (-vertFov * aspRatio + headX),
          near * (vertFov * aspRatio + headX),
          near * (-vertFov + headY),
          near * (vertFov + headY),
          near, far); //frustum changes as per the position of headX and headY
gluLookAt(headX * headZ, headY * headZ, 0, headX * headZ, headY * headZ, -1);

有关在上述情况下(其中headX和令人兴奋的是零)对称的圆台,该左,右 PARAMS出来的是 -0.33 0.33 底部,顶部参数出来是 -0.25,0.25 ,并建立我的剪辑音量以及这些坐标。我试图使用小鼠的试验来模拟离轴和做了以下方法:

For a symmetric frustum in the above case (where headX and headY is zero), the left, right params come out to be -0.33, 0.33 and bottom, top parameters come out to be -0.25, 0.25 and establish my clipping volume along those coordinates. I tried to simulate the off-axis using a mouse for a test and did the following:

double mouseXPosition = (double)ofGetMouseX();
double mouseYPosition = (double)ofGetMouseY();
double scrWidth = (double)ofGetWidth();
double scrHeight = (double)ofGetHeight();

headX = ((scrWidth -mouseXPosition) / scrWidth) - 0.5;
headY = (mouseYPosition / scrHeight) - 0.5;
headZ = -0.5; //taken z constant for this mouse test

不过,我打算用的Kinect 这给了我坐标(200,400,1000),( - 250,600,1400),(400,100,1400)等,我不能够做出如何改变视锥参数时我有那些主管的职位。对于例如:考虑到 0 将在该中心,为Kinect的,如果用户的动作,使得他的位置是(200,400,1000),那么如何将视锥参数改变这里? 如何将这些对象有当 Z-距离 Kinect的获得要绘制也必须加以考虑?对象有可能成为规模较小的以Z 增加,可能通过 glTrasnlate发生()上面摘内部调用轴code,但坐标系的两个尺度不同(glFrustum现在设置剪裁量为[-0.25,0.33]为[0.25,-0.33]何在Kinect的是数百个的顺序 (400,200,1000))。我该如何申请的Z值 glFrustum / gluLookAt 呢?

However, I intend to use Kinect which gives me coordinates for head of the order of (200, 400, 1000), (-250, 600, 1400), (400, 100, 1400) etc. and I am not able to make out how to change the frustum parameters when I have those head positions. For eg: Considering 0 to be at the center for the Kinect, if the user moves such that his position is (200, 400, 1000), then how would the frustum parameters change here? How will the objects have to be drawn when the z-distance obtained from Kinect will also have to be taken into account? Objects have to become smaller in size as z increase and that could happen by glTrasnlate() call inside the above off-axis code, but the two scales of the coordinate systems are different (glFrustum now sets clipping volume to [-0.25,0.33] to [0.25,-0.33] wheres Kinect is in the order of hundreds (400,200,1000)). How do I apply the z values to glFrustum/gluLookAt then?


首先,你不希望使用 gluLookAt gluLookAt 旋转的摄像头,但用户看的物理屏幕不旋转。 gluLookAt 只会工作,如果屏幕会旋转,使得屏幕正常将保持指着用户。离轴投影的透视变形将采取一切我们所需要的轮换照顾。

First, you don't want to use gluLookAt. gluLookAt rotates the camera, but the physical screen the user looks at doesn't rotate. gluLookAt would only work if the screen would rotate such that the screen normal would keep pointing at the user. The perspective distortion of the off-axis projection will take care of all the rotation we need.

什么,你都必须考虑到你的模型是视锥在屏幕的位置。请看下面的图片。红点是屏幕边框。什么,你需要实现的是,这些位置留在3D WCS不变,因为在现实世界中的物理屏幕也(希望)不动。我觉得这是关键的洞察力,虚拟现实,立体感。屏幕上是有点像一个窗口,进入虚拟现实,对准现实世界与虚拟现实,你需要配合该窗口中的视锥。

What you need to factor into your model is the position of the screen within the frustum. Consider the following image. The red points are the screen borders. What you need to achieve is that these positions remain constant in the 3D WCS, since the physical screen in the real world also (hopefully) doesn't move. I think this is the key insight to virtual reality and stereoscopy. The screen is something like a window into the virtual reality, and to align the real world with the virtual reality, you need to align the frustum with that window.

要做到这一点,你必须确定屏幕的Kinect的坐标系中的位置。假设Kinect的是在屏幕的上方,即+ Y点向下,并且您正在使用的单位是毫米,我希望这些坐标是沿东西线(+ -300,200,0),( + -300,500,0)。

To do that you have to determine the position of the screen in the coordinate system of the Kinect. Assuming the Kinect is on top of the screen, that +y points downwards, and that the unit you're using is millimeters, I would expect these coordinates to be something along the lines of (+-300, 200, 0), (+-300, 500, 0).


Now there are two possibilities for the far plane. You could either choose to use a fixed distance from the camera to the far plane. That would mean the far plane would move backwards if the user moved backwards, possibly clipping objects you'd like to draw. Or you could keep the far plane at a fixed position in the WCS, as shown in the image. I believe the latter is more useful. For the near plane, I think a fixed distance from the camera is ok though.

输入是屏幕的3D位置 wcsPtTopLeftScreen wcsPtBottomRightScreen ,头部 wcsPtHead ,远平面的Z值 wcsZFar (全部在WCS),以及近平面的Z值 camZNear (摄像头坐标)。我们需要计算在照相机坐标中的平截头体参数

The inputs are the 3D positions of the screen wcsPtTopLeftScreen and wcsPtBottomRightScreen, the tracked position of the head wcsPtHead, the z value of the far plane wcsZFar (all in the WCS), and the z value of the near plane camZNear (in camera coordinates). We need to compute the frustum parameters in camera coordinates.

camPtTopLeftScreen = wcsPtTopLeftScreen - wcsPtHead;
camPtTopLeftNear = camPtTopLeftScreen / camPtTopLeftScreen.z * camZNear;


and the same with the bottom right point. Also:

camZFar = wcsZFar - wcsPtHead.z

现在唯一的问题是,Kinect和OpenGL的使用不同的坐标系。在Kinect的CS,+ Y指向下,从对Kinect的用户+ Z点。在OpenGL中,+ Y指向上方,+向观众点z。这意味着我们必须-1乘y和z:

Now the only problem is that the Kinect and OpenGL use different coordinate systems. In the Kinect CS, +y points down, +z points from the user towards the Kinect. In OpenGL, +y points up, +z points towards the viewer. That means we have to multiply y and z by -1:

glFrustum(camPtTopLeftNear.x, camPtBottomRightNear.x,
  -camPtBottomRightNear.y, -camPtTopLeftNear.y, camZNear, camZFar);


If you want a better explanation that also covers stereoscopy, check out this video, I found it insightful and well done.

快速演示,你可能需要调整 wcsWidth pxWidth wcsPtHead。 ž

Quick demo, you might have to adjust wcsWidth, pxWidth, and wcsPtHead.z.

#include <glm/glm.hpp>
#include <glm/ext.hpp>
#include <glut.h>
#include <functional>

float heightFromWidth;
glm::vec3 camPtTopLeftNear, camPtBottomRightNear;
float camZNear, camZFar;
glm::vec3 wcsPtHead(0, 0, -700);

void moveCameraXY(int pxPosX, int pxPosY)
  // Width of the screen in mm and in pixels.
  float wcsWidth = 520.0;
  float pxWidth = 1920.0f;

  float wcsHeight = heightFromWidth * wcsWidth;
  float pxHeight = heightFromWidth * pxWidth;
  float wcsFromPx = wcsWidth / pxWidth;

  glm::vec3 wcsPtTopLeftScreen(-wcsWidth/2.f, -wcsHeight/2.f, 0);
  glm::vec3 wcsPtBottomRightScreen(wcsWidth/2.f, wcsHeight/2.f, 0);
  wcsPtHead = glm::vec3(wcsFromPx * float(pxPosX - pxWidth / 2), wcsFromPx * float(pxPosY - pxHeight * 0.5f), wcsPtHead.z);
  camZNear = 1.0;
  float wcsZFar = 500;

  glm::vec3 camPtTopLeftScreen = wcsPtTopLeftScreen - wcsPtHead;
  camPtTopLeftNear = camZNear / camPtTopLeftScreen.z * camPtTopLeftScreen;
  glm::vec3 camPtBottomRightScreen = wcsPtBottomRightScreen - wcsPtHead;
  camPtBottomRightNear = camPtBottomRightScreen / camPtBottomRightScreen.z * camZNear;
  camZFar = wcsZFar - wcsPtHead.z;


void moveCameraZ(int button, int state, int x, int y)
  // No mouse wheel in GLUT. :(
  if ((button == 0) || (button == 2))
    if (state == GLUT_DOWN)
    wcsPtHead.z += (button == 0 ? -1 : 1) * 100;

void reshape(int w, int h)
  heightFromWidth = float(h) / float(w);
  glViewport(0, 0, w, h);

void drawObject(std::function<void(GLdouble)> drawSolid, std::function<void(GLdouble)> drawWireframe, GLdouble size)
  glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
  glColor4f(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1);

  glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 1);

void display(void)

  // In the Kinect CS, +y points down, +z points from the user towards the Kinect.
  // In OpenGL, +y points up, +z points towards the viewer.
  glm::mat4 mvpCube;
  mvpCube = glm::frustum(camPtTopLeftNear.x, camPtBottomRightNear.x,
    -camPtBottomRightNear.y, -camPtTopLeftNear.y, camZNear, camZFar);
  mvpCube = glm::scale(mvpCube, glm::vec3(1, -1, -1));
  mvpCube = glm::translate(mvpCube, -wcsPtHead);
  glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadMatrixf(glm::value_ptr(mvpCube));

  drawObject(glutSolidCube, glutWireCube, 140);

  glm::mat4 mvpTeapot = glm::translate(mvpCube, glm::vec3(100, 0, 200));
  mvpTeapot = glm::scale(mvpTeapot, glm::vec3(1, -1, -1)); // teapots are in OpenGL coordinates
  glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
  drawObject(glutSolidTeapot, glutWireTeapot, 50);


void leave(unsigned char, int, int)

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  glutInit(&argc, argv);
  glutCreateWindow("glut test");
  return 0;


The following images should be viewed from a distance equal to 135% of their width on screen (70 cm on my 52 cm wide screen in fullscreen).


