默认情况下,在Visual Studio在64位PC如何创建与x64平台项目情况下、项目、平台、Visual

由网友(最拽〤萌妹子)分享简介:我知道我可以创建x64平台后手动该项目已创建Win32平台(如下图),但我不希望每次都这样做。 I know I can create the x64 platform manually after the project has been create with Win32 platform(as below),...


I know I can create the x64 platform manually after the project has been create with Win32 platform(as below), but I don't want to do it every time.

有没有配置文件,我可以在Visual Studio变化?

Is there any config file I can change in the Visual Studio?

//////////////////////////////////////////////    1.建立/配置管理器    2.活动解决方案平台    3。    4. 64

////////////////////////////////////////////// 1. Build/Configuration Manager 2. Active Solution Platform 3. 4. x64


当你创建一个项目 - 您只需调用一个向导。所以,你可以执行下列操作之一 - 要么调整您目前使用向导的设置 - 或创建新的。更多关于这个问题:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/5abkeks7(v=vs.71).aspx

When you create a project - you simply invoke a wizard. So you can do one of the following - either tweak the settings of the wizard you currently use - or create new one. More on the subject: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/5abkeks7(v=vs.71).aspx


Note that any changes you make are local and should be manually brought to other developers' machines.

更新: 如果你有好有某种快速劈 - 尝试与实验 <微软的Visual Studio 10.0安装路径> VC VCWizards default.vcxproj

Update: If you are Ok with some kind of quick hack - try experimenting with <Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0 Install Path>VCVCWizardsdefault.vcxproj


