
由网友(赴長安观月)分享简介:所以我在PHP我的工作来转换蒸汽标识,其中有许多你可能很熟悉。我有以下的蒸汽ID:So I am working in PHP to convert a Steam Id, which many of you may be familiar with. I have the following steam ID:S...


So I am working in PHP to convert a Steam Id, which many of you may be familiar with. I have the following steam ID:


现在,我需要将其转换为64位版本,这也是社区ID。经过浏览蒸煮这个位置正式发布: http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamID后也找网上很多地方,我发现下面的方法适用于这样的:

Now, I need to convert this to the 64 bit version, which is also the community ID. After browsing Steams official release on this here: http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamID and after also looking many places online, I have found the following method works for this:

Let X,Y, and Z be defined by the Steam ID: STEAM_X:Y:Z
SteamCommunityID = (Z*2) + 76561197960265728 + Y


So it works! However, where seems to be a mismatch between my ACTUAL community ID, and the one I am generating

Actual:        76561197963294393
PHP generated: 76561197963294000

在倒车equasion,从社会的ID让我的蒸汽编号,我得到: 1514335.5

When reversing the equasion, to get my steam id from the community id, I get: 1514335.5


Here is a simple example of the php in question:


$a = (1514332 * 2) + 76561197960265728 + 1;
echo $a; //76561197963294000


Am I doing something wrong?



PHP don't have 64bit int on 32-bit binary. It is using floating point here. see how to have 64 bit integer on PHP?

问题包括指向 BC数学,它可以用来针对您的问题。

The question include links to BC Math, which can be used for your problem.


