JavaVM的Windows 7的64位 - JFileChooser中()不显示对话框对话框、Windows、JavaVM、JFileChooser

由网友(Summer° 初夏)分享简介:我想创建一个简单的基于控制台的Java应用程序,这就要求用户从他们的本地文件系统中选择文件。I am trying to create a simple console based java application, which requires users to select files from their lo...


I am trying to create a simple console based java application, which requires users to select files from their local filesystem.


The console prompts the user to select one of the available options and then switches on the input given.

public Client() throws UnknownHostException, IOException {
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
    char userdecision = br.readLine().charAt(0);


        case '1':
            System.out.println("Which file would you like to open?");
        case '2':
            System.out.println("Which file would you like to close?");

private boolean openfile(String path){
    return false;

private boolean closefile(String path){
    new JFileChooser().showOpenDialog(null);
    return false;


No matter what I do, the JFileChooser pop up box will not open. No error is shown on the console, but a debug step-through shows the following error:

块引用   螺纹[主](暂停)       。ClassNotFoundException的(可抛出)(字符串,可抛出)线:217       。ClassNotFoundException的(异常)(字符串,可抛出)线:不可用       。ClassNotFoundException的(字符串)行:不可用       URLClassLoader的$ 1.运行()线:不可用       AccessController.doPrivileged(的PrivilegedExceptionAction,AccessControlContext的)行:不可用[本地方法]       启动$的ExtClassLoader(的URLClassLoader).findClass(字符串)行:不可用       启动$ ExtClassLoader.findClass(字符串)行:不可用       启动$的ExtClassLoader器(classloader).loadClass(字符串,布尔)线:不可用       启动$ AppClassLoader器(classloader).loadClass(字符串,布尔)线:不可用       启动$ AppClassLoader.loadClass(字符串,布尔)线:不可用       启动$ AppClassLoader器(classloader).loadClass(字符串)行:不可用       资源包$ RBClassLoader.loadClass(字符串)行:不可用       CoreResourceBundleControl(资源包$控制).newBundle(字符串,区域设置,字符串,类加载器,布尔)线:不可用       ResourceBundle.loadBundle(CacheKey,列表,控制,布尔)线:不可用       ResourceBundle.findBundle(CacheKey,列表,列表,INT,控制,资源包)线:不可用       ResourceBundle.getBundleImpl(字符串,语言环境,类加载器,资源包$控制)线:不可用       ResourceBundle.getBundle(字符串,资源包$控制)线:不可用       工具包$行:不可用       AccessController.doPrivileged(将PrivilegedAction)行:不可用[本地方法]       工具包()行:不可用       组件()行:不可用       Client.closefile()线:90       。客户端()线:60       Client.main(字符串[])线路:36

Blockquote Thread [main] (Suspended) ClassNotFoundException(Throwable).(String, Throwable) line: 217 ClassNotFoundException(Exception).(String, Throwable) line: not available ClassNotFoundException.(String) line: not available URLClassLoader$ line: not available AccessController.doPrivileged(PrivilegedExceptionAction, AccessControlContext) line: not available [native method] Launcher$ExtClassLoader(URLClassLoader).findClass(String) line: not available Launcher$ExtClassLoader.findClass(String) line: not available Launcher$ExtClassLoader(ClassLoader).loadClass(String, boolean) line: not available Launcher$AppClassLoader(ClassLoader).loadClass(String, boolean) line: not available Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(String, boolean) line: not available Launcher$AppClassLoader(ClassLoader).loadClass(String) line: not available ResourceBundle$RBClassLoader.loadClass(String) line: not available CoreResourceBundleControl(ResourceBundle$Control).newBundle(String, Locale, String, ClassLoader, boolean) line: not available ResourceBundle.loadBundle(CacheKey, List, Control, boolean) line: not available ResourceBundle.findBundle(CacheKey, List, List, int, Control, ResourceBundle) line: not available ResourceBundle.getBundleImpl(String, Locale, ClassLoader, ResourceBundle$Control) line: not available ResourceBundle.getBundle(String, ResourceBundle$Control) line: not available Toolkit$ line: not available AccessController.doPrivileged(PrivilegedAction) line: not available [native method] Toolkit.() line: not available Component.() line: not available Client.closefile() line: 90 Client.() line: 60 Client.main(String[]) line: 36

同样的code完美运行在Linux 32位计算机上,所以我怀疑这个问题的Windows相关的。

The same code runs perfectly on a Linux 32 bit machine, so I suspect the problem is Windows related.

以下运行code按预期在Windows和Linux的,所以我怀疑可能是由于同时控制台输入在Windows处理VS Linux操作系统(CR LF)。

The code below runs as expected on both Windows and Linux so I suspect might be due to the different ways in while console input is handled in Windows vs Linux (CR LF).

import javax.swing.JFileChooser;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new JFileChooser().showOpenDialog(null);



它看起来像你一样新来的,因为我。 ;)。让我们看看我能不能帮

It looks like you're just as new here as I am. ;) Let's see if I can help.

我更改了code获得它来编译和运行它在Windows Server 2003 x64的计算机上,并没有发现任何问题 - 文件选择对话框打开

I made changes to your code to get it to compile, and ran it on a Windows Server 2003 x64 machine, and didn't see any problems - the file chooser dialog opens.


I suggest two things you can do to eliminate other possibilities:

1),保证了系统的本机外观和放大器;感觉被设置。设置你的外观和放大器;通过使用该感觉系统默认程序启动时: UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName());

1) Ensure the system's native look & feel is set. Set your look & feel to the system default by using this when your program starts: UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName());

2)确保你只构建并打开 JFileChooserDialog ,和所有其他的Swing组件,在事件指派线程(EDT)内。如果您知道当前线程是主线程或其他工作线程(我认为那是因为你正在做控制台输入),你需要调用 SwingUtilities.invokeLater(可运行)为正确执行。

2) Ensure you only construct and open your JFileChooserDialog, and all other Swing components, inside the Event Dispatch Thread (EDT). If you know the current thread is the main thread or some other worker thread (and I assume it is because you're taking console input), you need to call SwingUtilities.invokeLater(Runnable) for correct execution.



