
由网友(药别停@)分享简介:我用CMake的(使用VS2012)编译GDCM。但是,我找不到 gdcm2vtk.exe 在我的斌/调试文件夹。I've compiled GDCM using CMake (using VS2012). However, I can't find gdcm2vtk.exe in my bin/Debug fold...

我用CMake的(使用VS2012)编译GDCM。但是,我找不到 gdcm2vtk.exe 在我的斌/调试文件夹。

I've compiled GDCM using CMake (using VS2012). However, I can't find gdcm2vtk.exe in my bin/Debug folder.

我能找到 gdcmimg.exe ,将一个工作提高到一个堆栈的图像转换成3D? 我读的地方,如果我能够生成图像的堆栈VTI文件,然后我就可以使用ActiViz表现出来。

I was able to find gdcmimg.exe, would that one work to convert a stack of images into 3D? I've read somewhere that if I'm able to generate a vti file from the stack of images then I'll be able to show it using ActiViz.

有没有已知的原因,为什么我没有看到文件gdcm2vtk.exe?它是在源$ C ​​$ C(我能找到的gdcm2vtk.cxx源$ C ​​$ C)。

Is there any known reason why I'm not seeing the file gdcm2vtk.exe? It is in the source code (I can find the gdcm2vtk.cxx source code).



The GDCM applications are not enabled by default. You need to enable GDCM_BUILD_APPLICATIONS (and possibly GDCM_BUILD_EXAMPLES) when you configure gdcm with cmake-gui. Also you have to enable GDCM_USE_VTK to get VTK support with GDCM.


If any of these were not enabled when you last built GDCM I would run cmake-gui configure and then generate then do a build all on GDCM.


