
由网友(真心么@)分享简介:我想作一个Flash视频播放器,把一个URL作为属性,当你把它嵌入,并加载基于该属性的视频。所有我需要的那一刻是播放/暂停按钮。我怎样才能做到这一点AS3?它需要能够播放F4V文件I would like to make a Flash video player that takes a URL as an attr...


I would like to make a Flash video player that takes a URL as an attribute when you embed it and loads the video based upon that attribute. All I need for the moment is a play/pause button. How can I do this is AS3? It needs to be able to play F4V files.


If it's simple to make other features, like full screen, showing how much of the video has been loaded on the timeline, or being able to click at any point in the timeline yo jump to that point in the video, please tell how!



制作你自己从头开始的发明轮子。如果你做它作为一个辅助项目,这很好,但没有足够的滚动此页面上,以解释如何建立你自己的播放器。你真的最好google一下。 一个很好的来源上手 http://www.gotoandlearn.com/ 并看看李Brimlows教程。

Making your own from scratch is inventing the wheel. if your doing it as a side project, that's fine but there isn't enough scrolling on this page in order to explain how to build you own player. You honestly best to google it. A good source to get started is http://www.gotoandlearn.com/ and have a look at Lee Brimlows tutorials.

*如果您正​​在寻找建设一个玩家你自己的 - 也可以考虑使用新的的StageVideo API ,因为这将很快成为标准的flash视频。

*If you're looking at building a player of your own - also consider using the new StageVideo API as this will soon be standard for flash video.


There are many freebies out there to assist you in getting a video player made.

http://flowplayer.org/ - 受欢迎,但 费了好东西。 http://www.longtailvideo.com/players/ 这是JWplayer,你可能已经看到了很多地方。 http://www.webresourcesdepot.com/lightweight-flv-player -component-toobplayer / 易于使用,但为AS2 http://flowplayer.org/ - popular, but charges for the good stuff. http://www.longtailvideo.com/players/ this is JWplayer and you may have seen it in many places. http://www.webresourcesdepot.com/lightweight-flv-player-component-toobplayer/ easy to use but is AS2

不过,我建议 http://www.opensourcemediaframework.com/ 这Adobe公司的塔楼内已经非常发达和孤单你不能用它做什么。这是AS3和免费的。你可以看到Adobe的开发网络或Brimlows博客这样的例子。

But I recommend http://www.opensourcemediaframework.com/ This has been strongly developed within the towers of Adobe and theres nothing you cannot do with it. It's AS3 and free of charge. You can see examples of this on Adobes' Dev Net or Brimlows blog.


I use it myself and it includes many examples, embed code, documentation and feature plugins such as youtube and adverts.


