在Flash Player中打开PDF或文件夹文件夹、Flash、Player、PDF

由网友(指尖碎念纯稚无邪)分享简介:我尝试打开通过鼠标点击在Flash Player中运行的SWF应用程序触发的PDF文件或文件夹(在取景器/浏览器)。 I try to open pdfs or folders (in finder/explorer) triggered by a mouse click in an swf application...

我尝试打开通过鼠标点击在Flash Player中运行的SWF应用程序触发的PDF文件或文件夹(在取景器/浏览器)。

I try to open pdfs or folders (in finder/explorer) triggered by a mouse click in an swf application running in flash player.


opening a pdf via urlRequest and navigateToUrl() always opens the browser.

我读到这个解决方案的fscommand: http://www.artfans.info/open-pdf-文件从 - 闪存使用-的fscommand / 似乎那么我们必须编写shell脚本Mac和PC ...? doesn't健全完善。

I read about this solution with fscommand: http://www.artfans.info/open-pdf-file-from-flash-using-fscommand/ seems then we had to write shell scripts for mac and pc...? doesn´t sound perfect.


the swf is executed on cd rom. so i think we can´t use an air application and the classes of the air framework (File... etc.).

有谁知道一个更好的办法? 提前致谢, 弗洛里安

Does anyone know a better way? Thanks in advance, Florian



we go now with zinc. it seems to be very powerful. you can create a exe from any swf. zinc let´s you implement many functions in actionscript, that give you access to the system. open pdf or something it the smallest task then :) cheers, florian


