
由网友(我想给你个大大的拥抱,)分享简介:我试图总结我的脑海各地最好的方式来实现在一个单线程的编程语言(动作脚本)嵌套的状态转换。说我有这样的行为,树形结构: I am trying to wrap my mind around the best way to implement nested state transitions in a single th...


I am trying to wrap my mind around the best way to implement nested state transitions in a single threaded programming language (Actionscript). Say I have a structure like this behavior tree:


Now imagine that each leaf node is a destination point on a website, like an image in a gallery, or a comment nested in a post view nested in a page view... And the goal is to be able to run animated transitions from leaf node to leaf node, by animating out the previous tree (from bottom to top), and animating in the current tree (from top to bottom).


So, if we were at the bottom-left-most leaf node, and we wanted to go to the bottom-right-most leaf node, we would have to:

在转换出左下节点 在完成(比如动画的第二个后),转换出它的父, 在完成后,转换出它的父 在完成后,转型最右边的父母 在完成后,转型最右边的孩子 在完成后,过渡叶



If you imagine each of these nodes as HTML views (where the leaves are 'partials', borrowing the term from rails), or MXML views, where you're nesting sub components, and you don't necessarily know the nest levels from the application root, what is the best way to animate the transition as described above?


One way is to store all possible paths globally, and then to say "Application, transition out this path, transition in this path". That works if the application is very simple. That's how Gaia does it, an Actionscript framework. But if you want it to be able to transition in/out arbitrarily nested paths, you can't store that globally because:

在动作脚本无法处理所有的处理 似乎并不像良好的封装


So this question can be reworded as, how do you animate out the left-most-leaf node and it's parents, starting from the leaf, and animate in the right-most-leaf node, starting with the root? Where is that information stored (what to transition in and out)?


Another possible solution would be to just say "Application, transition out previous child node, and when that's complete, transition in the current child node", where the "child node" is the direct child of the application root. Then the left-most child of the application root (which has two child nodes, which each have two child nodes), would check if it's in the right state (if it's children are 'transitioned out'). If not, it would call "transitionOut()" on them... That way everything would be completely encapsulated. But it seems like that'd be pretty processor intensive.

你怎么看?你有什么其他选择?或者可以或分层状态机,描述他们如何你点我到任何好的资源 AI行为树木切实实现异步状态转换:

What do you think? Do you have any other alternatives? Or can you point me to any good resources on AI Behavior Trees or Hierarchical State Machines that describe how they practically implement asynchronous state transitions:

从哪里他们称之为transitionOut的对象?从根或特定的孩子? 在哪里储存状态?全球范围内,在当地?范围是什么定义什么叫transitionIn()和transitionOut()?

我看到/阅读AI和状态机很多文章/书,但我还没有找到的东西,描述他们实际上如何实现台异步/动画过渡在一个复杂的MVC的面向对象的项目,享有100S /图形参与行为树。

I have seen/read many articles/books on AI and State Machines, but I have yet to find something describing how they actually implement asychronous/animated transitions in a complex MVC Object Oriented Project with 100s of Views/Graphics participating in the behavior tree.


Should I call the transitions from the parent-most object, or from the child?


Here are some of the things I've examined:

的体系结构游戏行为AI:行为多队列 分层状态机 - 设计 的根本重要途径 编程游戏AI通过实例 目标驱动的代理行为 Advanced国家管理特洛伊加德纳 TroyworksAS3 COGS图书馆 流行的方法,以行为树设计 大厦事件驱动的条件异步感觉系统 An Architecture for Game Behavior AI: Behavior Multi-Queues Hierarchical State Machines — a Fundamentally Important Way of Design Programming Game AI by Example Goal-Driven Agent Behavior Advanced State Management by Troy Gardner Troyworks' AS3 COGS Library Popular Approaches to Behavior-Tree Design Building Event-Driven Conditions for an Asynchronous Sensory System


While this is not necessarily an AI problem, there are no other resources describing how to apply nested state architectures to websites; these are the closest things.


Another way to word the question: How do you broadcast state changes to the application? Where do you keep the event listeners? How do you find what view to animate when it's arbitrarily nested?


Note: I am not trying to build a game, just trying to build animated websites.


我会尽力暗示一种可能的方法之前简化问题。该转换似乎与大家的意见,而不是模型。如果我跳过过渡,直接进入一些其他的叶节点,应用程序仍然有效,但没有视觉提示,为用户。所以,我建议你用一个视图 - 控制器专为保持当前分支的各种视图的转换。

I'll try to simplify the problem before suggesting a possible approach. The transitions seem related to the views, and not the model. If I were to skip the transitions and go straight to some other leaf node, the application still works but there is not visual clue for the users. So I'd suggest you use a view-controller specifically to hold the current branch and the transitions of various views.


It's probably a better approach to split the two types of transitions into a sort of stack where a pop transition is to go back to a previous node, while a push transition goes forward in the hierarchy. Apple uses a similar technique to manage navigational applications using a navigation view controller. It basically maintains a stack of view controllers that the user followed to get to a particular node. When a user goes back, the top item is popped off the stack, and the user sees the previous item. If the user goes deeper in the hierarchy, a new view controller is pushed onto the stack.


You would still need a global way to represent the hierarchies in a flyweight manner, while the navigation stack only stores the currently visible branch down to the leaf node.


If a user went from one leaf node to another, the current stack will be popped out upto the common parent. Then the global tree structure will be asked to get the path from that parent upto the new leaf node. This path of nodes is pushed into the current navigation stack, and as each item is pushed, the transition is shown.


In a simple algorithm, there'd be these two data structures and a way to get the entire branch that contains leaf node:

树的全球再presentation 一叠当前分支


stack = []
tree = create-tree()


// empty current branch upto the common ancestor, root node if nothing else
until stack.peek() is in leaf-node.ancestors() {
    stack.pop() // animates the transition-out
parent = stack.peek();
// get a path from the parent to leaf-node
path = tree.get-path(parent, leaf-node)
for each node in path {
    stack.push(node) // animates the transition-in



The entire application could have a single navigation controller, or multiple such controllers. A navigation controller only needs to know that there is a tree which exposes certain operations. So you could create an interface with those operations and let concrete subclasses implement that.


I can only think of two operations that would need to be exposed (pseudo-Java syntax):

interface Tree {
    List<Node> getAncestors(node);
    List<Node> findPath(ancestorNode, descendantNode);


That should provide sufficient abstraction to keep the navigation controller poking inside the global tree structure. To take it to the next level, use dependency injection so the tree object is injected into the navigation controller, improving testability and breaking the tree connection completely.


