快讯:音频文件,客户端COM pression /转换?音频文件、客户端、快讯、pression

由网友(邀月)分享简介:使用闪光灯,是否有可能COM preSS音频文件或将其转换为一个COM pressed格式,如MP3后它已被使用的文件浏览器中选择?With flash, is it possible to compress an audio file or convert it to a compressed format suc...

使用闪光灯,是否有可能COM preSS音频文件或将其转换为一个COM pressed格式,如MP3后它已被使用的文件浏览器中选择?

With flash, is it possible to compress an audio file or convert it to a compressed format such as mp3 after it has been selected using a file browser?

我想COM preSS的音频文件,上载之前,服务器以节省带宽。虽然我怀疑,这样的直接二进制访问和操作是可能的,我想是肯定的。

I'd like to compress audio files before they are uploaded to the server to save bandwidth. Although I doubt that such direct binary access and manipulation is possible, I'd like to be sure.



It is technically possible, but I don't know how practical it is. I don't think I would recommend building a production system on stuff like this, but for reference:

HTTP://$c$c.google.com/p/flash -kikko /


