
由网友(祖国的婲骨朵儿)分享简介:我写的东西在Flash / AS3,我碰到这个问题:I am writing something in Flash/ AS3, and I came across this problem:的ReferenceError:错误#1056:无法在package.name.DocumentClasss创造财产txtInp...

我写的东西在Flash / AS3,我碰到这个问题:

I am writing something in Flash/ AS3, and I came across this problem:



Basically I have a document class, and I can create instances of movieclips clips and compile without issues. But when I put a input text field ("T" icon in the palette) on the stage, and it refuses to compile, with the above error.

我不知道这是否有差别,但我写我的FlashDevelop中ActionScript中,与编辑在Flash IDE中完成的。我也有两个严格模式警告模式选择的发布设置 - >闪光 - >脚本 - >设置... - >错误

I am not sure if this makes a difference, but I am writing my ActionScript in FlashDevelop, with compilation done in the Flash IDE. I also have both Strict Mode and Warnings Mode selected under Publish Settings -> Flash -> Script -> Settings... -> Errors.

我已经寻找解决方案,这个网上,而只是建议在那里似乎是没有插上在Flash IDE雄鹿文本字段,而是动态地在文档类中进行创建。

I have searched for solutions to this online, and the only suggestions out there seem to be to not insert the text field on the stag in Flash IDE, and instead dynamically create them in the document class.


Is there a better solution?




It sounds like you have "Automatically declare stage instances" unchecked and thus if you want to add a named instances, you need to declare it in your class

import flash.text.TextField;
public var txtInput:TextField;

您可以找到声明舞台实例在影片中的属性闪光灯选项卡设置,点击设置旁边的脚本:ActionScript 3的选择框

You can find the declare stage instances setting in the flash tab in your movie properties and clicking on "settings" next to Script: Actionscript 3 selectbox.


Personally I always have this unchecked so it forces you to declare the instances in your class and you can better keep track on what's going on.


