WindowsIdentity.Name不从Active Directory返回新名称不从、名称、Name、WindowsIdentity

由网友(语落轻弦)分享简介:任何帮助将是真正的AP preciated。 我就不告诉你细节,但我们必须从命名我们所有的活动目录用户[名] [姓氏]至[首字母] [姓氏]来获得空间了用户名。I'll spare you the details, but we have to rename all of our Active Directory...

任何帮助将是真正的AP preciated。

我就不告诉你细节,但我们必须从命名我们所有的活动目录用户[名] [姓氏]至[首字母] [姓氏]来获得空间了用户名。

I'll spare you the details, but we have to rename all of our Active Directory users from [First name] [Last Name] to [First Initial][Last Name] to get the space out of the usernames.


We have a production web application that uses the following line of code to get the Username from Windows once the user logs in with Windows Authentication:


在我们通过Active Directory用户和计算机更新用户的帐户,它需要在此之前线code相当长一段时间返回他们的新用户名。他们无法登录,直到被更新。

After we update a user's account through Active Directory Users and Computers, it takes quite a while before that line of code returns their new username. They cannot login until that is updated.


Does anybody know what I can do on the webs server to get it to go ahead and update? I have tried the following:

1)在AD站点和功放的所有域控制器之间触发复制;服务 2)运行gpupdate /从生产Web服务器上的命令行的力量 3)从prouduction Web服务器上的命令行

1) Trigger replication between all domain controllers in AD Sites & Services 2) Run gpupdate /force from a command line on the production web servers 3) Run iisreset from a command line on the prouduction web servers


Right now I am having to update users one at a time so that everyone else as able to work.

任何答案,想法,可以尝试,或如该.Name点属性实际上得到它的价值净的解释是AP preciated。

Any answers, ideas, things to try, or a .Net explanation of where that .Name property actually gets its value would be appreciated.



In my understanding, the thing you describe may be due to "cached credentials". This feature allow a user to connect on a computer which is not plugged to the network (or can't see a DC).


You can configure this feature with the following GPO setting:

电脑 - >配置 - >窗口设置 - >安全设置 - >本地策略 - >安全选项。 在右窗格中交互式登录:的previous登录人数缓存

Computer->configuration->windows settings->security settings->local policies->security options. In the right pane "Interactive logon: Number of previous logons to cache"


The defaul value is 10, put 0.

该解决方案的缺点是,人们对笔记本电脑可能无法reconect ......如果他们不看的DC。

The drawback of this solution is that people on laptop may not be able to reconect ... if they don't "see" a DC.




