Active Directory的成员资格提供与放大器之间的合并; sqlProvider的放大器、成员、资格、Active

由网友(Exo男神控)分享简介:我一直在问域的asp.net网站的用户和网站的用户之间的合并然而,当我设置的默认成员其中之一ADMembershipProvider要么sqlProvider的我不能访问其他用户I have been asked to merge between the users of domain and the us...

我一直在问域的asp.net网站的用户和网站的用户之间的合并 然而,当我设置的默认成员其中之一 ADMembershipProvider 要么 sqlProvider的 我不能访问其他用户

I have been asked to merge between the users of domain and the users of a web site in website however when i set the default membership to one of them ADMembershipProvider or SqlProvider I can't access the other users


like if i have domain account while the membership is sqlpro it will not be able to access the website and vice versa


I need to make all the users of the domain and the original users of the website to be able to access their accounts



That should be simple, just create your own MembershipProvider which internally uses both to perform user validation.


    public override bool ValidateUser( string username, string password )
        SqlMembershipProvider sql = new SqlMembershipProvider();

        NameValueCollection sqlparameters = new NameValueCollection();
        sqlparameters.Add("param", "value");

        sql.Initialize( "SqlProvider", sqlparameters );

        if ( sql.ValidateUser( username, password ) )
            return true;

        ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider ad = new ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider();
        NameValueCollection adparameters = new NameValueCollection();

        adparameters.Add( "param", "value" );

        ad.Initialize( "Ad", adparameters );
        if ( ad.ValidateUser( username, password ) )
            return true;

        return false;

