
由网友(最初模样)分享简介:在一个Flex 4应用程序(与Spark组件)我有一个 ViewStack的与各种屏幕和的TabBar 它们之间进行导航。我想的屏幕,能够眨眼的标签,当事情发生在他们(如Windows任务栏按钮)。In a Flex 4 app (with Spark components) I have a ViewStack w...

在一个Flex 4应用程序(与Spark组件)我有一个 ViewStack的与各种屏幕和的TabBar 它们之间进行导航。我想的屏幕,能够眨眼的标签,当事情发生在他们(如Windows任务栏按钮)。

In a Flex 4 app (with Spark components) I have a ViewStack with various screens, and a TabBar to navigate between them. I'd like the screens to be able to "blink" their tab when something happens in them (like Windows task bar buttons).

我怎样才能做到这一点?我的想法是把一个 * 在它闪烁时,并以某种方式读取该破解闪烁状态到屏幕的标签(从NavigatorContent继承)在自定义标签栏的皮肤。

How can I do this? My idea is to hack the blinking state into the screen's label (inherited from NavigatorContent) by putting a * in it when blinking, and somehow reading that in a custom tab bar skin.


Is there an easier way? If now, how exactly can I implement mine?


这是一个有点难以解释,因为它不是最容易做的事情,但我会给我最好的。我想创建一个< S:的TabBar /> 与您的ViewStack的所有意见的数组的dataProvider,并将创建一个自定义项目渲染你的TabBar然后包含自定义组件扩展ButtonBarButton,有一个闪烁的属性是2路绑定和一个自定义皮肤,以实际显示它闪烁,就像这样: (男人,这是一个拗口)

This is a bit hard to explain since it isn't the easiest thing to do, but I'll give it my best. I would create a <s:TabBar /> with a dataProvider of an array of all views in your viewstack and create a custom item renderer for your TabBar which then contains a custom component that extends ButtonBarButton that has a blinking property that's 2-way binded and a custom skin to actually show it blinking, like this: (man that was a mouthful)

<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" 
            import mx.collections.ArrayList;
    <s:TabBar dataProvider="{new ArrayList([view1,view2])}">
                <local:BlinkingTab label="{data.label}" blink="@{data.isBlinking}" skinClass="BlinkingTabSkin" />
        <local:Foo id="view1" label="View 1" />
        <local:Foo id="view2" label="View 2" />

在这种情况下,我的观点扩展了NavigatorContent,但是,我们需要能够EX preSS一个布尔标志说,标签需要闪烁,像这样:

In this case, my views extends 'NavigatorContent', however, we need to be able to express a boolean flag to say that the tab needs to blink, like so:

<s:NavigatorContent xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" 
            private var _blink:Boolean = false;

            public function get isBlinking():Boolean
                return this._blink;

            public function set isBlinking(value:Boolean):void
                this._blink = value;


You'll notice that the view is implementing ITabView. That's only there for typesafing the 'isBlinking' property, but it's optional. When you want your tab to blink, you just need to set this to 'true'. But now we need to get the tab to actually blink. In the custom component 'BlinkingTab' we created for the TabBar, we need to take in the blink property and change the skin state appropriately like so:

<s:ButtonBarButton xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" 
            private var _blink:Boolean;

            public function get blink():Boolean
                return this._blink;

            public function set blink(value:Boolean):void
                this._blink = value;

            override protected function getCurrentSkinState():String
                if(!selected && enabled && this._blink)
                    return super.getCurrentSkinState()+'Blinking';
                    return super.getCurrentSkinState();

            override protected function mouseEventHandler(event:Event):void
                if(event.type == MouseEvent.CLICK)
                    blink = false;


You'll notice that the skin state will only have the 'blinking' string on it if it's enabled and not selected. If it is selected, it won't blink; and if the user clicks on the tab, it will remove the blinking flag which should propagate back to the view (I'm not certain about this part, could always override the 'selected' property or something). And the last part is the skin; you need to create a custom skin so that you can add a blinking animation to your tab. Just create a new skin with a ButtonBarButton host component that uses the TabBarButtonSkin and add these new states:

<s:State name="upBlinking" basedOn="up" stateGroups="blinking" />
<s:State name="overBlinking" basedOn="over" stateGroups="blinking" />
<s:State name="downBlinking" basedOn="down" stateGroups="blinking" />


From here, you need to create your own state based blinking. This is not fully tested, but I think I helped you get 95% of the way. Hope this helps.


BTW, this method is 100% legit. No hacking and you can reuse every single part of the code for somewhere else :)


