
由网友(无妻徒刑)分享简介:我有我使用一个按钮一个影片剪辑。在这个影片剪辑是一个很大的阴影,显示按钮时,鼠标悬停。我的问题是,这种阴影影响的鼠标悬停并为鼠标悬停和的mouseout事件引起了更大的捕获面积比我想要的。I've got a movieclip that I'm using as a button. Within this movi...


I've got a movieclip that I'm using as a button. Within this movieclip is a large shadow that shows when the button is moused over. My problem is that this shadow is effecting the mouseovers and causing a much larger "catch" area for the mouseOver and mouseOut events than I want.


I've tried disabling mouse events on that child and as many combinations of mouseEnabled and mouseChildren I can think of.


Is it possible to prevent certain elements effecting the mouseover properties of it's parent, or simply defining a custom hitbox for a movieclip to use?


您可以使用 hitArea 属性,但它实际上也可以控制使用将mouseEnabled mouseChildren ,所以你是在正确的轨道:

You can either use the hitArea property, but it's actually also possible to control using mouseEnabled and mouseChildren, so you were on the right track:


Let's say you have a movie clip called "buttonMC" that contains two movie clip instances called "clickableMC" and "shadowMC" respectively.

通过设置mouseChildren和将mouseEnabled既为false shadowMC,你不能监听鼠标事件在该实例上直接。然而,点击shadowMC仍然会触发点击buttonMC。为prevent说的mouseEnabled设置为false buttonMC。需要注意的是mouseChildren仍然应该如此buttonMC。

By setting mouseChildren and mouseEnabled both to false on shadowMC, you can't listen to mouse events on that instance directly. However, clicking on shadowMC will still trigger click on buttonMC. To prevent that set mouseEnabled to false on buttonMC. Note that mouseChildren should still be true for buttonMC.


It might sound strange to set mouseEnabled to false on a button and still have it be clickable, but think of mouseEnabled as a flag determining if the display objects's "graphics" content should be clickable. And when shadowMC's mouseChildren and mouseEnabled is set to false that movie clip will behave as if it were graphics (Shapes) as far as events are concerned.


