ActionScript 3的像素完美碰撞。如何? (学习目的)目的、像素、完美、ActionScript

由网友(时光会咬人i)分享简介:我知道有些人在那里创建类本(即的http:// )。但我想学习如何做我自己,所以我可以创造一切,我需要,我需要的方式。I know that there are people out there creating classes...

我知道有些人在那里创建类本(即的http:// )。但我想学习如何做我自己,所以我可以创造一切,我需要,我需要的方式。

I know that there are people out there creating classes for this (ie But I want to learn how to do it myself so I can create everything I need the way I need.

我读过关于位图和位图数据。我应该能够.draw的影片剪辑到一个位图,以便我可以再循环寻找冲突的像素。然而,这很奇怪和困惑处理偏移量。并且它接缝像MyBitMap.rect始终x = 0和Y = 0 ...我不能缝找到的东西原来的位置...

I've read about BitMap and BitMapData. I should be able to .draw the MovieClips onto a BitMap so I could then cycle the pixels looking for the collisions. However, It's weird and confusing dealing with the offsets.. And it seams like the MyBitMap.rect has always x = 0 and y = 0... and I can't seam to find the original position of the things...

我想首先做一个hitTestObject,那么如果这是肯定的,我将调查悫的影片剪辑矩形的像素碰撞交集。 但也有另外一个问题(影片剪辑的旋转)......

I'm thinking of doing a hitTestObject first, then if this was positive, I would investigate the intersection betwen the movieclips rectangles for the pixel collisions. But then there is also another problem (the rotation of movieclips)...

...我需要一些启示这里如何做到这一点。 请,任何帮助,将AP preciated ..

...I need some enlightment here on how to do it. Please, any help would be appreciated..



I managed to do it after all, and I already wrote my class for collision detections,/collisions angle and other extras.


The most confusing process is maybe to align the bitmaps correctly for comparing. When whe draw() a movieclip into a a BitmapData, if we addChild() the corresponding Bitmap we can see that part of it is not visible. it appears to be drawn from the center to right and down only, leaving the top and left parts away from beeing drawn. The solution is giving a transform matrix in the second argument of the draw method that aligns the bitmap and makes it all be drawn.


this is an example of a function in my class to create a bitmap for comparing:

    static public function createAlignedBitmap(mc: MovieClip, mc_rect: Rectangle): BitmapData{
                var mc_offset: Matrix;
                var mc_bmd: BitmapData;

                mc_offset = mc.transform.matrix;
                mc_offset.tx = mc.x - mc_rect.x;
                mc_offset.ty = mc.y - mc_rect.y;
                mc_bmd = new BitmapData(mc_rect.width, mc_rect.height, true, 0);
                mc_bmd.draw(mc, mc_offset);

                return mc_bmd;


in order to use it, if you are on the timeline, you do:

className.createAlignedBitmap(myMovieClip, myMovieClip.getBounds(this))


Notice the use of getBounds which return the rectangle in which the movie clip is embedded. This allows the calculation of the offset matrix.


This method is quite similar to the on shown here


By the ways, if this is an interesting matter for you, check my other question which I'll post in a few moments.


