


Would like to know if when an external remote resource (say SWF, or JPG) is loaded using the SWFLoader (or even Image component) in flex3, if there is any client side (ie. browser caching?) or the loaded resources. In particular would a second request then to access a previously accessed resource just use the cached resource or would a new request be made. It would be nice to know if both are possible (ie. telling it to always use a fresh load or to use a cached copy if it is available)



The browser is responsible for caching all externally loaded media, such as images sounds, videos and even SWFs. These can be deleted by clearing your browser cache. I recommend the Clear Cache Button Firefox Add-on for anyone testing there Flash projects in Firefox.

但是,Flash Player处理任何外部加载的签署 Flash组件,例如缓存任何Adobe Flex框架组件。你可以阅读更多有关的Flash播放器缓存这里 。清除浏览器缓存,将不会清除这些组件。

However, Flash Player handles caching of any externally loaded signed Flash components e.g. any Adobe Flex framework components. You can read more about Flash Players cache here. Clearing your browser cache, will not clear these components.


To stop a file being cached by your browser, you will need to make sure its filename is unique each time it is loaded. You can do this by appending a random string as a URL variable. I usually use the current time, or a random number:

var noCache:int = new Date().getTime();
myImage.load("filename.jpg?uniq=" + noCache);

或者你也可以使用的URLVariables 类。


