Admob的内存泄漏 - 避免使用空活动内存、Admob

由网友(女人毁在棒子上。)分享简介:我们的应用越来越命中pretty的很难受内存泄漏。我发现,根本原因是AdMob的AD浏览报保持引用旧的活动。现在的问题是pretty的有据可查的问题的Andr​​oid AdMob的会导致内存泄漏?并在sublinks的意见/答案。我已经注意到这个问题是不是在ICS明显的GC最终清理WebViews与引用的活动。然而,...

我们的应用越来越命中pretty的很难受内存泄漏。我发现,根本原因是AdMob的AD浏览报保持引用旧的活动。现在的问题是pretty的有据可查的问题的Andr​​oid AdMob的会导致内存泄漏?并在sublinks的意见/答案。我已经注意到这个问题是不是在ICS明显的GC最终清理WebViews与引用的活动。然而,我的HTC EVO 3D运行的股票姜饼从来没有收集活动,并考虑到因OOM错误强制关闭报告的数量,这个问题是非常wides $ P $垫,我们的应用程序。

Our app is getting hit pretty hard by a memory leak. I've found that the root cause is the AdMob AdView keeping references to old activities. The problem is pretty well documented in question Android AdMob causes memory leak? and the sublinks in the comments/answers. I have noticed that the problem is not apparent in ICS as the GC eventually cleans up the WebViews with references to activities. However, my HTC EVO 3D running stock gingerbread never collects the activities and considering the number of force close reports due to OOM errors, the problem is very widespread for our app.

我想遵循TacB0sS提供的解决方案, 。他建议创建一个空的活动,并使用相同的活动每个AdMob的AD浏览报。泄漏将被包含,因为AD浏览报只会保持活动,一个空的活动。他提供的code的活动本身以及如何引用它,但我在如何真正整合到我们的应用程序亏损。他的code从不要求AdMob提供的SDK什么,据我可以告诉。

I would like to follow the solution provided by TacB0sS, He has suggested to create an empty activity and use that same activity for each AdMob AdView. The leak would be contained since AdView will only keep alive that one empty activity. He provided the code for the activity itself and how to reference it but I'm at a loss of how to actually integrate it into our app. His code never calls anything from AdMob SDK as far as I can tell.

我们正在使用AD浏览报在XML的布局,所以我们不会做动态与code如呼叫loadAd()的广告什么。我们所有的版面与广告依靠广告中的XML是因为他们制定了相对于它。我的两个问题是这样,我该如何实现TacB0sS code,我怎么能留住我的XML布局的关系,如果我们要切换到code创建XML布局?

We are currently using AdView in the XML layouts so we don't dynamically do anything with the ads in code such as call loadAd(). All of our layouts with ads rely on the ad being in the XML since they are laid out relative to it. My two questions are thus, how do I implement TacB0sS code and how can I retain my XML layout relationships if we have to switch to creating the XML layouts in code?



Thanks Adam (TacB0sS) for responding! I have no problem switching to creating the Ad in code but I am still having difficulty using your dummy activity when creating Ads. My code currently is:

AdMobActivity adActivity = new AdMobActivity();

// Create an ad with the activity reference pointing to dummy activity
AdView adView = new AdView(adActivity.AdMobMemoryLeakWorkAroundActivity, AdSize.IAB_BANNER, "myAdUnitID");

// Create an ad request.
AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest();

// add the ad to the layout and request it to be filled
RelativeLayout root_main = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(;


I have placed this code in the onCreate method of my initial activity. I get a force close on the line where I create the AdView, "AdView adView = new AdView(...)". Stacktrace snippet:

03-06 00:34:28.098 E/AndroidRuntime(16602): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{org.udroid.wordgame/org.udroid.wordgame.MainMenu}: java.lang.NullPointerException
03-06 00:34:28.098 E/AndroidRuntime(16602):     at
03-06 00:34:28.098 E/AndroidRuntime(16602): Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
03-06 00:34:28.098 E/AndroidRuntime(16602):     at android.content.ContextWrapper.getApplicationContext(
03-06 00:34:28.098 E/AndroidRuntime(16602):     at<init>(SourceFile:78)
03-06 00:34:28.098 E/AndroidRuntime(16602):     at org.udroid.wordgame.MainMenu.onCreate**(**  <- Line that creates the new AdView


What is the proper way to initialize your AdMobActivity and reference it when creating the AdView? Thanks again!

更新2 3/6:


I figured out my problems creating the activity. I have your solution fully implemented and the best part is that it actually solves my memory leak. After spending two weeks on this problem, I am so happy that it's resolved. Here are the full steps I used:


Create a new activity called AdMobActivity:

public final class AdMobActivity extends Activity {

    public static AdMobActivity AdMobMemoryLeakWorkAroundActivity;

    public AdMobActivity() {
        if (AdMobMemoryLeakWorkAroundActivity != null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("This activity should be created only once during the entire application life");
        AdMobMemoryLeakWorkAroundActivity = this;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Log.i("CHAT", "in onCreate - AdMobActivity");

    public static final void startAdMobActivity(Activity activity) {
        Log.i("CHAT", "in startAdMobActivity");
        Intent i = new Intent();
        i.setComponent(new ComponentName(activity.getApplicationContext(), AdMobActivity.class));


Add the following to your AndroidManifest.xml

<activity android:name="org.udroid.wordgame.AdMobActivity"
    android:launchMode="singleInstance" />


You need to initialize the dummy AdMobActivity before trying to load any ads. This activity won't contain anything. It will be displayed for a split second and then close, returning back to the activity you called it in. You can not create it in the same activity you want to load Ads since it must be fully initialized in time before using. I initialize it in a splash load screen activity's onCreate before the main activity that contains an ad starts:

// Start the dummy admob activity.  Don't try to start it twice or an exception will be thrown
if (AdMobActivity.AdMobMemoryLeakWorkAroundActivity == null) {
    Log.i("CHAT", "starting the AdMobActivity");


Now you are ready to create ads in code. Add the following LinearLayout to your XML activity layout. Align all other views necessary around this layout. The AdView we create in code will be placed inside this view.

android:layout_centerHorizontal="true" />


In the activity you want to load an ad, create a global variable for the AdView:

AdView adView;

在我们的应用程序,我们加载不同的布局的时候,手机旋转。 Therfore,我呼吁每一个旋转以下code。如有必要,它创建了AD浏览报,并把它添加到adviewLayout。

In our app, we load different layouts when the phone rotates. Therfore, I call the following code on every rotate. It creates the adView if necessary and adds it to the adviewLayout.

    LinearLayout adviewLayout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
    // Create an ad.
    if (adView == null) {
        adView = new AdView(AdMobActivity.AdMobMemoryLeakWorkAroundActivity, AdSize.BANNER, "<ADUNITID>");
        // Create an ad request.
        AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest();
        // Start loading the ad in the background.
        // Add the AdView to the view hierarchy. The view will have no size until the ad is loaded.
    else {
        ((LinearLayout) adView.getParent()).removeAllViews();
        // Reload Ad if necessary.  Loaded ads are lost when the activity is paused.
        if (!adView.isReady() || !adView.isRefreshing()) {
            AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest();
            // Start loading the ad in the background.


Lastly, make sure you call adView.destroy() in the activities onDestroy() method:

protected void onDestroy() {

任何人读这一点,请记住,这是亚当的解决方案(TacB0sS),不是我的。我只是想提供完整的实施细则,使其更容易为他人实施。这AdMob的错误是运行pre-蜂窝和亚当的解决方案是我能找到规避它的最好的东西应用程序的一大问题。 和它的作品!



您的问题是给点意见,我也没能解决它在我的解决方案。据我可以告诉的解决方案,我发现只能动态地,在那里你可以选择你的活动,同时调用SDK ...

Your question is to the point, and I have failed to address it in my solution. As far as I can tell the solution I've found works only dynamically, where you can choose your activity while calling the sdk...


The reason my code does not have a use example, is because my solution is a bit more complicated then the one I presented, involving an entire wrapping framework I've build around the Android framework, where the AdMob relation to the application is via an intermediate module, which puts the ad dynamically using the single activity instance.

我真的怀疑你能避免内存泄漏简单地采用了Android XML。

I really doubt you can avoid the memory leak simply using the Android XML.


In any case, if you are into the memory leak business, you might as well check out your AsyncTask usage... it also has its own memory leak behavior... so here is my solution


- 更新 - 14年7月10日

-- UPDATE -- 07/10/14


Someone just upvoted my answer, its propustorase that this issue still exists, it has been almost three years since my original answer, and people still have memory leaks in their apps because of AdMob... from Google... that made Android....


Anyway, I just wanted to add that you should probably set the theme of the AdMobActivity to transparent, it would prevent the flickering.



