
由网友(簡簡單單dē快樂)分享简介:这是涉及到一个问题,一年改变以前。This is related to a question a year and change ago.我就忍了,应该开箱的问题的一个例子,只要你有sqlite3的使用:https://github.com/cairo140/rails-eager-loading-counts-d...


This is related to a question a year and change ago.


I put up an example of the question that should work out of the box, provided you have sqlite3 available: https://github.com/cairo140/rails-eager-loading-counts-demo

git clone git://github.com/cairo140/rails-eager-loading-counts-demo.git
cd rails-eager-loading-counts-demo
rails s


I have a fuller write-up in the repository, but my general question is this.


N + 1 的问题出现时,你使用 #COUNT 的关联,尽管有包括通过该协会#包括(:相关)在ActiveRelation。一种解决方法是使用 #length ,但是这个效果很好,只有当它被称为上已经加载了对象,更何况,我怀疑它复制的东西了Rails内部已经做了。另外,一个问题,使用 #length 的是,它导致了一个不幸的过载时,该协会没有被加载到开始和计数是你所需要的。

The n+1 problem emerges whenever you use #count on an association, despite having included that association via #includes(:associated) in the ActiveRelation. A workaround is to use #length, but this works well only when the object it's being called on has already been loaded up, not to mention that I suspect it duplicates something that the Rails internals have done already. Also, an issue with using #length is that it results in an unfortunate over-loading when the association was not loaded to begin with and the count is all you need.



We can dodge this issue by running #length on the posts array (see appendix), which is already loaded, but it would be nice to have count readily available as well. Not only is it more consistent; it provides a path of access that doesn't necessarily require posts to be loaded. For instance, if you have a partial that displays the count no matter what, but half the time, the partial is called with posts loaded and half the time without, you are faced with the following scenario:   使用 #COUNT       N COUNT 样式的查询时,已经加载的帖子    N COUNT 样式的查询时尚未加载帖子    Using #count n COUNT style queries when posts are already loaded n COUNT style queries when posts are not already loaded   在零附加的查询时,已经加载的帖子    N * 样式的查询时尚未加载帖子    Zero additional queries when posts are already loaded n * style queries when posts are not already loaded


Between these two choices, there is no dominant option. But it would be nice to revise #count to defer to #length or access the length that is some other way stored behind the scenes so that we can have the following scenario:

  使用修订后的 #COUNT      在零附加的查询时,已经加载的帖子    N COUNT 样式的查询时尚未加载帖子    Using revised #count Zero additional queries when posts are already loaded n COUNT style queries when posts are not already loaded


So what's the correct approach here? Is there something I've overlooked (very, very likely)?



It appears that the best way to implement this sort of facility might be to create SQL Views (ref: here and here) for the seperate model-and-child-count objects that you want; and their associated ActiveRecord models.

您也许能够成为的很聪明的,并使用子类的结合原始模型set_table_name:sql_view_name 保留所有的原始方法上的对象,甚至他们的一些关联。

You might be able to be very clever and use subclassing on the original model combined with set_table_name :sql_view_name to retain all the original methods on the objects, and maybe even some of their associations.


For instance, say we were to add 'Post.has_many :comments' to your example, like in @Zubin's answer above; then one might be able to do:

   class CreatePostsWithCommentsCountsView < ActiveRecord::Migration
      def self.up
        #Create SQL View called posts_with_comments_counts which maps over 
        # select posts.*, count(comments.id) as comments_count from posts 
        #   left outer join comments on comments.post_id = posts.id 
        #   group by posts.id
        # (As zubin pointed out above.) 
        #*Except* this is in SQL so perhaps we'll be able to do further 
        # reducing queries against it *as though it were any other table.*

   class PostWithCommentsCount < Post         #Here there be cleverness.
                                              #The class definition sets up PWCC 
                                              # with all the regular methods of 
                                              # Post (pointing to the posts table
                                              # due to Rails' STI facility.)

    set_table_name :posts_with_comment_counts #But then we point it to the 
                                              # SQL view instead.
                                              #If you don't really care about
                                              # the methods of Post being in PWCC
                                              # then you could just make it a 
                                              # normal subclass of AR::Base.

   PostWithCommentsCount.all(:include => :user)  #Obviously, this sort of "upward
     # looking" include is best used in big lists like "latest posts" rather than
     # "These posts for this user." But hopefully it illustrates the improved 
     # activerecordiness of this style of solution.
   PostWithCommentsCount.all(:include => :comments) #And I'm pretty sure you 
     # should be able to do this without issue as well. And it _should_ only be 
     # the two queries.

