
由网友(半点朱唇)分享简介:code第一:create_table :users do |t|...t.boolean :is_active, :default => true...end现在,这里是我的问题 - 我创建一个rake任务要导入的记录(10000)大的多。我已经做了广泛的测试和基准,并确定执行此任务的最快和最有效的方法是创建一...


create_table :users do |t|
  t.boolean :is_active, :default => true

现在,这里是我的问题 - 我创建一个rake任务要导入的记录(10000)大的多。我已经做了广泛的测试和基准,并确定执行此任务的最快和最有效的方法是创建一个巨大的原始的SQL语句。 (我是从CSV读取数据)。作为一个例子:

Now, here is my issue - I am creating a rake task to import a LARGE number of records (10,000+). I've done extensive testing and benchmarking and determined that the fastest and most efficient way to perform this task is to create one giant raw SQL statement. (I'm reading data from CSV). As an example:

inserts = Array.new
FasterCSV.foreach(...) do |row|
  inserts.push "(row[0], row[1]...)"
User.connection.execute "INSERT INTO users (...) VALUES #{inserts.join(", ")}"


Everything works great. The entire process completes in (literally) seconds instead of the 1.5 hours using ActiveRecord. However, my problem lies with the boolean field. I develop locally on SQLite, but MySQL on production. When using ActiveRecord, Rails determines what to put in the "boolean" field (since almost all databases are different). I'm writing custom SQL and I want to know if there is a way I can do something like...

INSERT INTO users(..., is_active, ...) VALUES (..., ActiveRecord::Base.connection.boolean.true, ...)


...that correctly returns the database-specific boolean value.


Anyone who answers "just using ActiveRecord" will be down-voted. It's simply NOT feasible in this situation. I'm also not willing to use a tinyint(1) field and use 1's or 0's.

总之,需要改变基于当前数据库连接上的 is_active 的值...

In summary, the value for is_active needs to change based on the current database connection...



我相信,你可能会寻找的ActiveRecord :: Base.connection.quoted_true

I believe that you might be looking for ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quoted_true

这将返回本土的报价布尔值,例如: 1为SQL Server或MySQL和PostgreSQL的或SQLite的T

This returns native boolean values in quotes, e.g. '1' for SQL Server or MySQL, and 't' for PostgreSQL or SQLite


