
由网友(如此安好)分享简介:我写一个程序,将可视化的分子动力学实验。输入将与各原子在每个时间步长的位置的文件。将有10万〜原子和〜500时步。原子是psented球体再$ P $。原子之间的连接将通过气缸psented再$ P $。I am writing a program that will visualize a molecular dy...

我写一个程序,将可视化的分子动力学实验。输入将与各原子在每个时间步长的位置的文件。将有10万〜原子和〜500时步。原子是psented球体再$ P $。原子之间的连接将通过气缸psented再$ P $。

I am writing a program that will visualize a molecular dynamics experiment. The input will be a file with the location of each atom at each timestep. There will be ~100k atoms and ~500 timesteps. Atoms will be represented as spheres. Connections between atoms will be represented by cylinders.


Here are some requirements for the program (in order of importance):

要移动,旋转和缩放改变图像的能力 的能力,使从位置一部电影在不同的时间步长 选择能力的原子用鼠标 要创建一个图形用户界面的能力 在轻松在Mac,Windows和Linux的安装。

谁能推荐一个语言,可视化库或方法来处理这​​个?任何其他的想法也将是极大的AP preciated。

Can anyone recommend a language, visualization library or method to approach this? Any other thoughts would also be greatly appreciated.


我会建议考虑的Paraview ;你需要做的是保存在 VTK 格式的所有相关数据(库中有该功能),你'大功告成。它具有优异的后处理功能(如着色剂,透明粒子,动画),并经过充分测试

I would suggest to consider ParaView; what you need to do is to save all relevant data in VTK format (the library has functions for that) and you're done. It has excellent post-processing capabilities (such as coloring, transparent particles, animations) and is well-tested.

如果这似乎并没有足够的灵活性,你,我有 C ++ lib中的 QGLViewer (没有得到由 .COM ,它是免费的,跨平台的混淆)。你需要写的OpenGL code的颗粒自己,这是pretty的方便。

If this does not seem enough flexible to you, I have some experience with c++ lib QGLViewer (don't get confused by the .com, it is free and cross-platform). You need to write OpenGL code for the particles by yourself, which is pretty easy.


That said, I know there are several "scene graph engines", which can help you greatly perhaps, but I think other would better comment on that, as I never used them.


FYI this movie was done with Paraview (you find many more examples, for sure), while stuff here is from OpenGL with QGLViewer.


