
由网友(伤了初冬白了城)分享简介:我想揭开序幕文件下载,当他点击一个链接一个用户,但我有一个 onbeforeunload的处理程序,我不希望被调用时,开始下载。要下载,我现在有一个< A> 与的href 设置为文件位置,但点击它导致 onbeforeunload的在Chrome中被调用(而不是在FF,虽然)。 I want to kic...

我想揭开序幕文件下载,当他点击一个链接一个用户,但我有一个 onbeforeunload的处理程序,我不希望被调用时,开始下载。要下载,我现在有一个< A> 的href 设置为文件位置,但点击它导致 onbeforeunload的在Chrome中被调用(而不是在FF,虽然)。

I want to kick off a file download for a user when he clicks a link, but I have an onbeforeunload handler that I don't want to get invoked when the download begins. To downloads, I currently have an <a> with the href set to the file location but clicking it results in onbeforeunload being invoked in Chrome (not in FF, though).

我知道我可以设置一个专用标志,并检查了 onbeforeunload的的处理程序,但有一些方法使用AJAX揭开序幕下载?我还是希望用户看到常用的对话框时,下载文件(打开/保存等)。

I know I can set a private flag and check that in the onbeforeunload handler, but is there some way to kick off the download using ajax? I still want the user to see the usual dialogs when they download the file (Open/Save etc).




The best way to do this is indeed by constructing an iframe and triggering the download from there.

我在Chrome,IE6 +和Firefox已经测试而这种做法似乎所有的人一起工作。

I have tested in Chrome, IE6+ and Firefox and this approach seems to work in all of them.


function DownloadFile(filePath) {
    var downloadIframe = $('<iframe />', 
            id    :    'downloadIframe'        


This will only work properly for a one off download (as we've hard coded an id), if you are triggering multiple downloads, then I suggest you reuse the iframe by storing it in a more widely accessible variable.


