
由网友(跨越星空守护你)分享简介:由于IE10已经安装在我的Windows 7中,这是不可能登录到我的应用程序...这是确定与IE9,它仍然与FF和铬确定。Since IE10 has installed on my Windows 7 box, it is impossible to login into my application...It...

由于IE10已经安装在我的Windows 7中,这是不可能登录到我的应用程序... 这是确定与IE9,它仍然与FF和铬确定。

Since IE10 has installed on my Windows 7 box, it is impossible to login into my application... It was OK with IE9 and it still OK with FF and Chrome.

问题是,会话cookie(jsession ID)做Ajax请求时,不会发送由IE(POST或GET)。

The problem is that session cookies (jsession id) are not send by IE when doing ajax request (POST or GET).

我已经看到了这么多麻烦,IE10和饼干,但没有人可以应用到我的问题: IE10用户代理导致ASP.Net不回送设置Cookie(IE10不设置cookie) jQuery的阿贾克斯$。员额不工作IE10 IE10通过deafult

I've seen on SO many trouble with IE10 and cookies but no one can applied to my problem : IE10 User-Agent causes ASP.Net to not send back Set-Cookie (IE10 not setting cookies) jquery ajax $.post not working IE10 IE10 sharing cookies across subdomains by deafult

我precise,我不是跨域。我使用的是Jasig / CAS认证和CAS饼干,也不会话cookie被发送通过Ajax请求。 Ajax请求被通过JQuery(最新版本)发送。

I precise that I'm not crossdomain. I use a Jasig/CAS for authentication and CAS cookies nor session cookies are send by ajax request. Ajax request are send via JQuery (last version).

任何帮助将是很大的AP preciated。

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



I tried all IE security options and the last do not track without success.

我尝试谷歌Chrome Frame的进入我的IE10与添加,但聊胜于无。

I try Google Chrome Frame into my IE10 with adding but nothing better.


我发现发生了什么,它可以是有用的人。 @马克Ormston是不是至今: 设置路径/ CAS Cookie是由发送IE10到URL beginings与/ CAS-服务

I've found what happens, and it can be usefull for others. @Mark Ormston was not so far : Cookies set with path /cas are send by IE10 to URL beginings with /cas-services

在我的情况/ CAS和/ CAS-服务是不是在同一个Web应用程序,每个都有自己的JSESSIONID。发送对JSESSIONID创建/ CAS到/ CAS-服务导致的问题上面描述。

In my case /cas and /cas-services are not in the same WebApp and each have its own JSESSIONID. Sending JSESSIONID created for /cas to /cas-services lead to the problem describe above.

要纠正,我只需重命名/ CAS-服务与/ APP的服务,(我想这一切都没有开始的/ CAS应工作)。

To correct, I simply rename /cas-services with /app-services (I guess that everything not beginning with /cas should work).



