
由网友(把月亮偷给XX)分享简介:这是我第一次与阿贾克斯在Symfony的情况下涉足,我可能是一个由code必须如何组织有点困惑。 This is my first time dabbling with Ajax in a Symfony context, and I am possibly a little confused by how the...


This is my first time dabbling with Ajax in a Symfony context, and I am possibly a little confused by how the code must be organized.


Let's say my ajax call looks like this:

$.getJSON('module/getMeSomeJSONThroughAjax', function(data) {console.log(data); } )


and in my module/actions folder, the actions.class.php file has a method:

public function getMeSomeJSONThroughAjax()
   // do something
   return $jsonEncodedString;

请记住,我是不是创造上述方法,所以我没有在执行 $ P $模板PFIX大多数其他行动将。只需怎么我不认为创建一个模板是矫枉过正的一个AJAX HTTP请求只读取JSON数据的情况。

Keep in mind, that I am not creating a template for the above method, hence I don't have the execute prefix as most other actions would. Simply coz I don't think creating a template is a case of overkill for fetching only JSON data for an AJAX HTTP request.


However, upon the event taking place in my browser that triggers the Ajax call, my console logs the following:

> Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404
> (Not Found)
> http://localhost:8080/customerview_dev.php/flashcard/getMeSomeJSONThroughAjax

我察觉这是一个路由的问题。一个可能的办法简单地摆脱这个问题将是创造上述模板,重命名行动 executeGetMeSomeJsonThroughAjax()。但是就像我提到的,恕我直言,这是矫枉过正,并必须有一个更美观和适当的方式能完成这一操作的。

I am perceiving this to be a routing issue. A possible way to simply get rid of the problem would be to create a template for the above and rename the Action to executeGetMeSomeJsonThroughAjax(). But like I mentioned, this IMHO is overkill and there has to be a more aesthetically and proper way of getting this done.


What do you Symfonians do for making Ajax calls ?


您仍然需要执行preFIX,即使你没有一个模板。 您可以设置模板为无,如果你想要的,或者:

You still need the execute prefix, even if you don't have a template. You can set the templates to None if you want, or:

return $this->renderText($jsonEncodeString);


should work too.


