
由网友(他怂了提起往事眼眶都红了)分享简介:function dropResource() {var imgIndex = getImageIndexByID(currentDragImageID);var newImgID = resourceData.length;// Create the image$('#thePage').append('function dropResource() { var imgIndex = getImageIndexByID(currentDragImageID); var newImgID = resourceData.length; // Create the image $('#thePage').append('<img alt="Big" id="imgA' + newImgID + '" src="' + uploadFolder + '/' + imgData[imgIndex][1] + '" class="mediaImg" />'); // Get properties var imgW = $('#imgA' + newImgID).width(); var imgH = $('#imgA' + newImgID).height(); var imgX = $('#imgA' + newImgID).position().left; var imgY = $('#imgA' + newImgID).position().top; // Add to array (dbID, imgarrIndex, width, height, x, y) resourceData[newImgID] = new Array(0, imgIndex, imgW, imgH, imgX, imgY); //alert('artworkAjaxHandler.ashx?type=addResource&uploadID=' + currentDragImageID + '&page=' + currentPage + '&w=' + imgW + '&h=' + imgH + '&x=' + imgX + '&y=' + imgY); // Save this as a resource $.ajax({ url: 'artworkAjaxHandler.ashx?type=addResource&uploadID=' + currentDragImageID + '&page=' + currentPage + '&w=' + imgW + '&h=' + imgH + '&x=' + imgX + '&y=' + imgY,


This code adds an image to my drop area once the thumbnail has been dropped in. The problem is, the width and the height of the image are coming out as 0,0 because the ajax is called before the image has a chance to load... If I uncomment out the alert, and wait until the image loads fully then it works fine.


Is there anyway to get around this?



I'd probably rearrange things a bit:

function dropResource() {

    var imgIndex = getImageIndexByID(currentDragImageID);
    var newImgID = resourceData.length;
    var newImage;

    // Create the image
    newImage = $('<img alt="Big" id="imgA' + newImgID + '" src="' + uploadFolder + '/' + imgData[imgIndex][1] + '" class="mediaImg" />');
    newImage.load(function() {
        // Get properties
        var imgW   = newImage.width();
        var imgH   = newImage.height();
        var imgPos = newImage.position();
        var imgX   = imgPos.left;
        var imgY   =;

        // Add to array (dbID, imgarrIndex, width, height, x, y)
        resourceData[newImgID] = new Array(0, imgIndex, imgW, imgH, imgX, imgY);

        //alert('artworkAjaxHandler.ashx?type=addResource&uploadID=' + currentDragImageID + '&page=' + currentPage + '&w=' + imgW + '&h=' + imgH + '&x=' + imgX + '&y=' + imgY);

        // Save this as a resource    
        url: 'artworkAjaxHandler.ashx?type=addResource&uploadID=' + currentDragImageID + '&page=' + currentPage + '&w=' + imgW + '&h=' + imgH + '&x=' + imgX + '&y=' + imgY,

什么,做的是创建 IMG 元素,勾其负荷事件,然后才将其添加到DOM(通过其附加到 #thePage 元素)。所有其他行动采取负荷处理程序中。注意:我们要确保追加到DOM前勾负荷处理程序,因此负荷事件之前不火我们把它挂。

What that does is create the img element, hook its load event, and only then add it to the DOM (by appending it to the #thePage element). All of the other actions take place within the load handler. Note we make sure to hook the load handler before appending to the DOM, so the load event doesn't fire before we hook it.

如果你真的要小心了,你甚至可以推迟设置的src 属性,直到经过我们挂钩负荷,要真正确定。为了做到这一点,更改:

If you really want to be careful, you might even hold off setting the src property until after we hook load, to be really sure. To do that, change:

    newImage = $('<img alt="Big" id="imgA' + newImgID + '" src="' + uploadFolder + '/' + imgData[imgIndex][1] + '" class="mediaImg" />');
    newImage.load(function() {
       // ...

    newImage = $('<img alt="Big" id="imgA' + newImgID + '" class="mediaImg" />');
    newImage.load(function() {
       // ...
    newImage[0].src = uploadFolder + '/' + imgData[imgIndex][1];

