
由网友(断情戒爱)分享简介:我已经在我的页脚一个地方,我想GoDaddy的SSL印章出现。截至目前,我只是有他们建议的HTML,它是立即调用 seal_installSeal()并呈现出相应的HTML通过文件撰写()的电话。I've got a place in my footer where I want the GoDaddy SSL Se...

我已经在我的页脚一个地方,我想GoDaddy的SSL印章出现。截至目前,我只是有他们建议的HTML,它是立即调用 seal_installSeal()并呈现出相应的HTML通过文件撰写()的电话。

I've got a place in my footer where I want the GoDaddy SSL Seal to appear. As of right now, I just have the HTML they suggest, which is an inline script file that immediately calls seal_installSeal() and renders out the appropriate HTML through document.write() calls.


The problem is that GoDaddy's script hangs often. Since all of my scripts are at the bottom of the page right before my closing body tag for optimal page load speeds, when the GoDaddy script hangs, it delays my scripts from initializing. Users that try to interact with the page before everything finishes loading encounter missing functionality or a broken page.

GoDaddy的剧本绝不是必不可少的我的网页,为什么我应该等待它完成加载,让我的脚本初始化页面?所以我的想法是,为什么不通过 $加载异步。AJAX $。获得 $。getScript加入 $。负载 Modernizr.load

GoDaddy's script is by no means essential to my page, so why should I have to wait for it to finish loading to allow my scripts initialize the page? So my thought is, why not load it asynchronously via $.ajax or $.get or $.getScript or $.load or Modernizr.load?


I have never needed to load anything, let alone a remote script file, via jQuery's ajax methods, as my ASP.NET project uses UpdatePanels for now. My question is two-fold and may be tied together based on the 2nd part:

什么是使用时负载远程脚本的最佳方法是什么?它是 $明显的突出。getScript加入脚本()


Since GoDaddy's script immediately initializes and makes document.write() calls, how can I place those where I want to in my footer?

我想创建一个的jsfiddle,但恐怕它提供了产地http://fiddle.jshell.net不受访问控制 - 允许 - 产地允许的。错误尝试加载该脚本时。

I would create a jsFiddle, but I'm afraid it offers up the Origin http://fiddle.jshell.net is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin. error when attempting to load this script.



It's been awhile, so I figured I'd leave an answer with what I ended up doing back then:


I basically removed the need to wait on GoDaddy's server to download the script by simply rewriting the script on my end with all the necessary bits.


On my footer, I had a div containing the GoDaddy SSL Seal image:

<div id="GoDaddySSLSeal">
    <img src="https://p.xsw88.cn/allimgs/daicuo/20230910/496.png" />


Then in my script file, I hooked up a click event to the img, as well as a simple little fadeIn animation:

$("#GoDaddySSLSeal img")
    .on("click", verifyGoDaddySSLSeal)
    .preloadImages(function() { $(this).fadeIn(2000); });


In the verifyGoDaddySSLSeal click event, I just do what the gist of their script did:

function verifyGoDaddySSLSeal()
        "https://seal.godaddy.com/verifySeal?sealID=<my seal id went here>", 

