
由网友(disappear逃避)分享简介:背景信息 我摆弄周围的一些PHP和AJAX的那一刻,尝试并获得了code工作自动刷新格(每10秒),包含注释。I'm fiddling around with some PHP and AJAX at the moment, to try and get the code working for an auto...



I'm fiddling around with some PHP and AJAX at the moment, to try and get the code working for an auto refreshing div (every 10 seconds), that contains comments.

下面是JavaScript的code我使用刷新DIV ..

Here is javascript code I am using to refresh the div..

<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
$(document).ready(function() {
        $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false }); 
            setInterval(function() {
        }, 5000);  
// ]]></script>


The code that will populate the div called "content_main", which is in feed_main.php, essentially accesses the database and echo's out the latest comments ...



Is it possible, to only load the div "content_main" if the data inside of it, hasn't changed since the last time it was loaded?



Because I'm relatively new to javascript and AJAX I don't quite know how to do this, but my logic is:


从feed_main.php文件加载数据 创建一个唯一的值(可能是一个哈希值?),以确定说,3个独特的评论


Every other time it is run...

在加载数据从feed_main.php文件 创建一个新的独特的价值 与previous一个检查该值 如果它们是相同的,不刷新DIV,刚刚离开的事情,因为他们,但如果他们是不同的,然后刷新。


The reason why I want to do this is because the comments usually have pictures attached, and it is quite annoying to see the image reload every time.

任何帮助,这将大大AP preciated。

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.



I've faced similar problem not too long ago, i assume that you using mysql or something for your comments storage serverside ?


I solved my problem by first adding timestamp integer column to my mysql table, then when i added a new row, i'd just simply use time() to save the current time.


mysql row insert example:

$query = "INSERT INTO comments (name, text, timestamp) VALUES ('". $name ."', '". $text ."',". time() .");";

第二步将是json_en $ C C你从服务器端发送数据$:

step two would be to json_encode the data you sending from serverside:

$output = array();

if ($html && $html !== '') {   // do we have any script output ?
  $output['payload'] = $html;  // your current script output would go in this variable
$output['time'] = time();      // so we know when did we last check for payload update

$json = json_encode($output, ((int)JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK)); // jsonify the array
echo $json;                    // send it to the client


So, now instead of pure html, your serverside script returns something like this:

  "payload":"<div class="name">Derpin</div><div class="msg">Foo Bar!</div>",


You can grab the data in javascript simply enough:

<script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[

var lastcheck;
var content_main = $('#content_main');

pollTimer = setInterval(function() {
}, 10000);

function updateJson() {
  var request = '/feed_main.php?timestamp='+ (lastcheck ? lastcheck : 0);

    url: request,
    dataType: 'json',
    async: false,
    cache: false,
    success: function(result) {
      if (result.payload) {        // new data
        lastcheck = result.time;   // update stored timestamp
        content_main.html(result.payload + content_main.html()); // update html element
      } else {                     // no new data, update only timestamp
        lastcheck = result.time;

// ]]> </script>


that pretty much takes care of communication between server and client, now you just query your database something like this:

$timestamp = 0;
$where = '';

if (isset($_GET['timestamp'])) {
  $timestamp = your_arg_sanitizer($_GET['timestamp']);

if ($timestamp) {
  $where = ' WHERE timestamp >= '.$timestamp;

$query = 'SELECT * FROM comments'. $where .' ORDER BY timestamp DESC;';


The timestamps get passed back and forth, client always sending the timestamp returned by the server in previous query.

您的服务器只发送因为你选中最后一次提交评论,你可以prePEND他们到HTML的结尾像我一样。 (警告:我还没有添加任何一种理智控制的,你的意见可以得到非常长)

Your server only sends comments that were submitted since you checked last time, and you can prepend them to the end of the html like i did. (warning: i have not added any kind of sanity control to that, your comments could get extremely long)


Since you poll for new data every 10 seconds you might want to consider sending pure data across the ajax call to save substantial chunk bandwidth (json string with just timestamp in it, is only around 20 bytes).


You can then use javascript to generate the html, it also has the advantage of offloading lot of the work from your server to the client :). You will also get much finer control over how many comments you want to display at once.


I've made some fairly large assumptions, you will have to modify the code to suit your needs. If you use my code, and your cat|computer|house happens to explode, you get to keep all the pieces :)


